Hate Your Job? Wish You Could Quit? Why Stuck in jobs from which they Miserable
So you hate your job, you are entirely on their own. Miserable Up to 70% of people in their place of employment. We are overworked and underpaid. We feel misunderstood. We no longer enjoy the work we do. Perhaps we have never done. Or maybe we do not get along with our new maintainer.
Do you find yourself with Sunday night syndrome? Every Sunday night, you miserable at the thought of returning there the next day and the day after ...
And yet ... most peoplemiserable as they may be to stay. Why?
They are afraid they may not get another job. They hate the search for a job. And yes, the economy makes the job search is indeed a frightening prospect.
But here's the real reason: Most of us prefer the devil we know, the devil we do not know. We might think that finding a good job means a degree of luck and bad luck could land us in a worse job than we are in now. Many of us have experienced exactly that,our great disappointment and frustration.
In addition, each task involves looking for the probability of at least some rejection, an ugly word, most of us. Personal growth gurus tell us that there are people most often cited fear of the public that it is hard-wired instinct for the attribute for the peer rejection at all costs be avoided. The possibility of rejection of a career in the search can be a major barrier to changing jobs, especially when you are respected and your valuecurrent job.
For these and other reasons that we sometimes stay in employment, we do not like it a lot longer than we should, in the hope that things will get better eventually sacrificed to make our health and happiness, a "living".
"Finally," we say to ourselves: "It's not so bad" and "it pays the bills." But if we are honest with ourselves, we know that it is so bad. Stress experts tell us that we do not like to do something every day can harm our mental, emotional and physicalHealth.
We gradually lose our peace, our motivation and enthusiasm, our ability to enjoy life. Our relationships suffer. If we are in an unsatisfactory job to stay long past their "best before" date, after we lose our self-esteem, and sometimes our jobs as our misfortune is at work every day clearly.
It's just not good for our health and well being to do what we do not like every day. We might think, oh, so many years, and then we getinto retirement, but if we are unfortunate enough, we can not make it this far.
And besides, what kind of life? Alan Cohen once said: "The meaning of life is not safe to come with death." And Joe Vitale is wont to say, "Dare something worthy." Think about it. Why not dare to go and a job that you really find love?
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