How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing
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How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing
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How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing Product Description
When I went to a bookstore to peruse the Job Search/Resume Writing Section, I was appalled at the vast number of books, most over 200 pages, detailing the “correct” way to write a resume. My first reaction to these so-called experts was, “How pompous!” I have been an executive recruiter (“headhunter”) for over two decades. However, I do not claim to have the formula for the perfect resume that will land you an ideal job. After reading tens of thousands of them though, I know what does not work. That is why I put pen to paper. My approach is simple. This is not brain surgery, so there is no need to make it complicated. If you know what to stay away from, you are more than halfway there. I have accomplished this by providing the reader with humorous commentary on resumes that would cause potential employers to cringe. Most of these examples are extreme, but drive the point home. Also, along the way, parameters are included to give job seekers a framework for their finished product. This book shows that one can have fun with the resume writing process without it having to be excessively long, dry and uncompromising.
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How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing
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