
Faster, giving your job search strategy Get Hired

According to most experts, the job search lasts about five months to take. Five months is too long to spend time looking for work, especially if you are currently unemployed! Because the average job search take this long? One major reason is because most job seekers use the same exact job search strategies. Most of them are with what the "wait and hope" strategy.

Waitingand the strategy of hope is to include three major steps.

1 - search for jobs that are advertised

2 - Send a resume to the selected works

3 - wait and hope for an interview

This is the primary strategy used, because this is how we all were taught to look for jobs.

A better strategy job search

Most people are unaware that only twenty per cent of vacancies actually filled by advertising. This is a real eyeOpener for most people. If only twenty percent of jobs are occupied by advertising that an overwhelming majority of eighty percent of whom are full of advertising without sheets. If a post is not advertised as it always full? Are filled through the hidden job market!

What exactly is the hidden job market? These are jobs that are hidden from the public. For job seekers find work through classified ads or online advertising,are completely out of consideration for such work. Given that eighty percent of jobs are filled in this way to lose the most jobs are actually available. This is great news for job seekers, the market is willing to learn to tap the hidden job!

Five Easy Steps

You can use the procedure to draw on the hidden job market in five easy. Here is a brief description of each step.

Step 1 - Develop a list ofEmployer

The first thing you must do what is developing a list of potential employers have the type of job (s) you are in the places you want, and employers like to work for you. I call this list of potential employers the opportunity to list your job. This list of potential employers can be very long or very short depending on the needs and interests.

Step 2 - Do some research

There are opportunities to work together with the list, use theInternet to do a little research on each potential employer. Use the company's website to read about the company is responsible for IT products, with all the latest news, and most importantly, find a corporate directory. Use the directory to find out who the director or head of department would be rented.

Step 3 - look for jobs publicity

No, I have changed my opinion. Jobs should not be the main task is to search for your next, but you shouldyet to spend some 'time and see what types of jobs in your area. Watch out for papers published in the list of companies on your employment opportunities.

Step 4 - Start to make contact

This is where you can start separating from the competition. Most job seekers simply not in direct contact with potential employers. You are not convenient for a position, if the potential employer has to put up a big sign flashing(AD), who says: "We have a job, send us your CV.

Come into direct contact with employers and let them know about yourself, your qualifications and experience, and your interest in working for their organization!

Step 5 - persistent and follow-up

Once attributed to contacts and send resume, you need to be resolved, follow-up. Just send a resume and hope for an interview will not be made faster than competition. Haveconstant monitoring of habit, with decision-makers, after a couple of days have passed. Are not doing this intrusive is persistent


As you can see, this is not rocket science but it really works. By tapping into the hidden job market requires competitors to 95 percent of your job search. As the direct contact with employers to establish not always. Employers such as using the hidden job marketsince it is much cheaper and faster to fill jobs in this way.


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