
Drawing Attention: How to unleash the incredible power of cartoons in marketing, advertising, sales promotion, job search, VIP contact campaigns and more (Volume 1)

Review for Drawing Attention: How to unleash the incredible power of cartoons in marketing, advertising, sales promotion, job search, VIP contact campaigns and more (Volume 1) customer Reviews, Overview, Features and Description
Drawing Attention: How to unleash the incredible power of cartoons in marketing, advertising, sales promotion, job search, VIP contact campaigns and more (Volume 1)Drawing Attention: How to unleash the incredible power of cartoons in marketing, advertising, sales promotion, job search, VIP contact campaigns and more (Volume 1)

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Drawing Attention: How to unleash the incredible power of cartoons in marketing, advertising, sales promotion, job search, VIP contact campaigns and more (Volume 1) Product Description
From David Ogilvy on down, the "experts" have claimed "humor doesn't work."  Boy, were they wrong.  Author Stu Heinecke has been using cartoons to generate record-breaking campaigns for many or the world's biggest marketers -- and he shares his test-proven secrets for the first time ever in his new book.  Drawing Attention takes you step by step, to explain how you can unleash the incredible power of cartoons in various missions in your life, from marketing, advertising and sales promotion to job search, social media, VIP contact campaigns and more. With forewords by New Yorker Cartoon Editor, Robert Mankoff, and Sandler Training President, Bruce Seidman.

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Drawing Attention: How to unleash the incredible power of cartoons in marketing, advertising, sales promotion, job search, VIP contact campaigns and more (Volume 1)

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