The Hidden Jobs - How to Find Them!
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The Hidden Jobs - How to Find Them!
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The Hidden Jobs - How to Find Them! Product Description
This 53 page e-book is a fresh and practical perspective on finding the hidden jobs. The hidden jobs include the positions that are not advertised, as well as the jobs that do not exist yet but are created when the company meets you and sees your talents. The recipe shared in this book recognizes that each person is enriched with many skills and talents. It is based on the belief that there is an ideal job awaiting everyone, even in times of market depression and high levels of unemployment. The techniques presented in this book can work for any kind of job, any level of expertise, and any market segment. 65 successfully trialed templates and scripts of what to say and when have been provided to help the reader start immediately. These scripts can be read over the phone or memorized and used during the process of creating and/or securing the job. The “bullet” format of this guide keeps the information to the essentials and makes it easy and fast reading.
******* From Workforce Press : "This book has had an immediate impact in the lives of some of our clients...."
******* From Karen Gorback, Ph.D., Assistant Dean for Career and Technical Education at Ventura College: " Hidden Jobs – How to Find Them is a serious study for people who are serious about securing employment and should be a resource in every university career center in the country. The book provides us with a creative, new strategy for getting a foot in the door of the hidden job market – those elusive positions which never seem to be advertised. The book is a valuable resource because it pushes the job seeker far beyond the familiar formula of interning and networking and into the realm of creating employment opportunities based on one’s unique “interests, passions, knowledge, skills and connections. . .” Gosset’s instrument for assessing “uniqueness” and its correlation to the labor market is a smart step up from of other types of vocational assessments which determine only single variables such as interests, abilities, and values. Once job seekers determine their own uniqueness, they will find scenarios and scripts to begin a dialog with potential employers and negotiate an offer."
******* From Zachary Cohen, Principal, Briarwood Associates: "Throughout my career I have been in the position of both conducting personal job searches as well as hiring personnel. This is the first book that gives an insight to finding a profession instead of a job, and is an alternative to the same stale method of job search. I am recommending this book to all of my colleagues"
******* From David Steinmeier, CEO of MicroJoining: "I bought this book for a family member but ended up reading it and applying it to my own professional life. I have been running a successful consulting enterprise but sensed that it was time to upgrade the services to respond to changing market conditions. The tools in the book helped me find and highlight what made me unique as a professional and how to spotlight this unique professional value. I designed a plan to reposition my consulting services. One of the strong messages that emerges from the book is that every individual has a unique multi-dimensional profile that can’t be adequately captured by a resume or advertising brochure. This book does an excellent job of describing how to convey our own unique personal value to our clients and potential employers."
The Hidden Jobs - How to Find Them! Specifications
This 53 page e-book is a fresh and practical perspective on finding the hidden jobs. The hidden jobs include the positions that are not advertised, as well as the jobs that do not exist yet but are created when the company meets you and sees your talents. The recipe shared in this book recognizes that each person is enriched with many skills and talents. It is based on the belief that there is an ideal job awaiting everyone, even in times of market depression and high levels of unemployment. The techniques presented in this book can work for any kind of job, any level of expertise, and any market segment. 65 successfully trialed templates and scripts of what to say and when have been provided to help the reader start immediately. These scripts can be read over the phone or memorized and used during the process of creating and/or securing the job. The “bullet” format of this guide keeps the information to the essentials and makes it easy and fast reading.
******* From Workforce Press : "This book has had an immediate impact in the lives of some of our clients...."
******* From Karen Gorback, Ph.D., Assistant Dean for Career and Technical Education at Ventura College: " Hidden Jobs – How to Find Them is a serious study for people who are serious about securing employment and should be a resource in every university career center in the country. The book provides us with a creative, new strategy for getting a foot in the door of the hidden job market – those elusive positions which never seem to be advertised. The book is a valuable resource because it pushes the job seeker far beyond the familiar formula of interning and networking and into the realm of creating employment opportunities based on one’s unique “interests, passions, knowledge, skills and connections. . .” Gosset’s instrument for assessing “uniqueness” and its correlation to the labor market is a smart step up from of other types of vocational assessments which determine only single variables such as interests, abilities, and values. Once job seekers determine their own uniqueness, they will find scenarios and scripts to begin a dialog with potential employers and negotiate an offer."
******* From Zachary Cohen, Principal, Briarwood Associates: "Throughout my career I have been in the position of both conducting personal job searches as well as hiring personnel. This is the first book that gives an insight to finding a profession instead of a job, and is an alternative to the same stale method of job search. I am recommending this book to all of my colleagues"
******* From David Steinmeier, CEO of MicroJoining: "I bought this book for a family member but ended up reading it and applying it to my own professional life. I have been running a successful consulting enterprise but sensed that it was time to upgrade the services to respond to changing market conditions. The tools in the book helped me find and highlight what made me unique as a professional and how to spotlight this unique professional value. I designed a plan to reposition my consulting services. One of the strong messages that emerges from the book is that every individual has a unique multi-dimensional profile that can’t be adequately captured by a resume or advertising brochure. This book does an excellent job of describing how to convey our own unique personal value to our clients and potential employers."
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The Hidden Jobs - How to Find Them!
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