
Job Search- 21st Century Lifeskills

Review for Job Search- 21st Century Lifeskills customer Reviews, Overview, Features and Description
Job Search- 21st Century LifeskillsJob Search- 21st Century Lifeskills

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Job Search- 21st Century Lifeskills Product Description
The 10 worktexts in the 21st Century Lifeskills series will provide students a thorough introduction to the must have multi-dimensional competencies, concepts, and vocabulary they need to achieve independence in the adult world of the 21st century. The teaching and learning combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes (a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise, and literacies as defined by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills) with innovative support systems to help students master the abilities that will be required of them in the future. These include life and career skills; learning and innovation skills; and information, media, and technology skills. Topics: Becoming a Good Driver; Buying a Car; Maintenance and Repair; Driving and the Law. Written at a fourth grade reading level for students in grades 9-12.

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