The Peak Interview: New Insights into Winning the Interview and Getting the Job.
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The Peak Interview: New Insights into Winning the Interview and Getting the Job.
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The Peak Interview: New Insights into Winning the Interview and Getting the Job. Product Description
"THE BEST INTERVIEW OF MY LIFE" "Recently, I had the most important job interview in my 20-year career, and for some last minute advice on 'winning over the competition' I phoned a dear friend and her husband, an executive with a Fortune 500 company. Instead of providing advice on how to answer interview questions, they provided me with some great questions to ask the hiring manager. The questions came from Mr. Burnett's "The Peak Interview". I quickly acquired a copy of his book and devoured it in just a couple of hours. I applied the book's techniques and as a result, the interview was the best interview of my life. They called with the job offer last night!" Lisa Wadlington, Memphis TN, 10 Aug 2010 New insights into the job interview process can give you an edge to win the interview and get the job. By the time you get to the job interview, the company has determined you are qualified for the job. But so are all the other interviewees. Your experience, skills, competencies, and abilities will not differentiate you. Your competition is just as qualified as you are. You need an edge. Great jazz soloists know that when they are playing a solo, they have to hit one or two peaks in the body of the solo and end with a flourish. That's because people evaluate an experience based on its peaks (good or bad) and how the experience ended. The rest of the experience is remembered, but the evaluation of the experience is based on its peaks, and how it ends. This is called the 'Peak/End rule'. Psychologist Daniel Kahneman is credited with describing this rule. His insight had such a big impact on the study of Economics that he won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics, despite being a psychologist who never took any economics courses. The Peak Interview shows you how to leverage this insight as you prepare for, and produce an outstanding interview. This insight can boost your chances of winning the interview and getting the job.
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The Peak Interview: New Insights into Winning the Interview and Getting the Job.
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