Job Sculpting - Customized jobs the best talent
One size does not fit all - not in service reactions, not in employment in the workplace. We want our food, music, fashion, cars, and to reflect who we are, we want to reflect on our work, who we are. In a mental or thinking at work, more jobs, the talents are tailor made and thought of every employee, the better they perform. Customizing jobs has a direct effect on employee commitment, attitude and performance of the company.
In the previous industrial age (before muchProduction moved offshore), standard job descriptions were the rule. This assured that would run all the machines and production facilities as planned, and that each employee could work the process.
Today we are in a service or mental age. Our success is happening in the quality of our employees' interaction with our customers, may not be the job description contract for default service, because each case is different and unique. Standard service responses do not work;instead, employees have to constantly inspire thought and invention of the customer. The more the work of each individual employee is about the strengths, the more committed and competent employees are built. The greater the feelings, the more people are connected to their work and to the customers. The result is a significant improvement in performance. Customization is the key to commitment and performance.
Think of a standard job description in today's age ofPersonalization as a shirt or a jacket that does not fit well ... it is inconvenient. If we have something that is uncomfortable to wear, we are constantly aware of his poor grip, it distracts us. The same is with jobs that do not fit true - they guide us about the service. Today, all organizations that their employees' full attention on the performance, everything that affects people from districts power the company's success.
Customizing jobs, or better known as a job sculpting, theProcess, the description starts with a standard job then it changes to employees to use the talents, interests and experiences that everyone is inherently that. Job sculpting is a simple process summarized in the following four points:
1st know your business. Before you can begin to shape (customizing) of jobs for your employees, you must have a clear strategic understanding of your business because you will sculpt your business needs to more than their jobs.Although most organizations host a formal strategic planning process each year, a basic strategic update be carried out monthly, the addresses of the following areas:
o What are the five most important events / issues / opportunities for the company today?
o What are the talents, skills and resources within the organization to address the issues mentioned above?
This is your process of work since the goal is to sculpture, Business Match the right employees with the criticalQuestions, changes or opportunities.
2 Know your employees. Do you know the talents, interests and values of each of your employees. Consider defining the use of "Strenghtsfinder 2.0" by Tom Rath and his online questionnaire talents of every employee. Then you spend time with each employee to get to know their interests and values. Now you know your business needs and the specific talents and unique strengths and power resources available in your employees. You're almost doneStart Job sculpture.
3rd Check the standard job description. A standard job description is created to ensure completeness position to help run the business to the efficient and good to define tasks that require the talents of the employees work to do. This information puts the thousand-Manager to the right people, which is a good fit for the expectations of the role of rent. These also help us in our jobSculpting process.
4th Sculpt the perfect job. The first contribution of each employee's talents, values and interests, now you know the commitment and interest to the individual employee. Next, review your business issues, changes and opportunities. What talents are needed to circumvent these changes and opportunities and who will be best suited to work on them? Match employee talents / interests to develop business requirements of jobs based on changes to individual employee. Checkto see if the problem is already addressed in the job description. If not, add it. In most cases the additional task will be received by the employees, as they in their talent and interest areas (IT appeals to them). This creates an entirely new job description, adapted to both the environment and the workers. For example, if the business it does require that employees enthusiastic, a competitor would have to investigate on the site, create a telemarketing program, design aCustomer survey or new powerful daily performance reporting? Which employee would evaluate it Engaging and proposals for a change of business hours, develop an online commerce site, see an exhibition, a course to other employees or re-organize a section of the retail or office space?
The more the standard job descriptions are interspersed with employees of energy and more customer-specific tasks that match employee talent areas that are considered in performance.Their jobs are constantly being updated, reinvented and shaped. In this way, no employee feels swing stale or bored, performance and commitment levels.
Successful management in today's economy is based on personal relationships. The more time a manager to know his staff know the strengths and interests to spend, the stronger their bond; is this manager is in a better position right employee talents to the business issues / opportunities and sculpture Engaging jobs. As the environmentChanges made this ongoing dialogue, the manager continues to keep their jobs sculpture excited, engaged and power. Today, a "one size fits all" approach to job drives people away. Customize sculpt and jobs, and you'll win, retain and inspire the best performers.
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