Job Performance Appraisals
Job performance appraisals are needed in order to provide information about performance rankings. This information helps in making decisions regarding salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, transfer and demotion. In addition, job performance appraisals provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of subordinates. This information helps to review the performance of the subordinate, rectifying performance deficiencies and to set new standards work, if necessary.
These evaluations play a crucial role in providing information, advice helps the subordinate. The information helps staff shortages in terms of diagnostic skills and knowledge, determine training and developmental needs, prescribe, which means growth for workers, and proposals to correct the placement. In addition, job performance appraisals prevent complaints and disciplinary activities.
Assessment aims at the realization of variousPurposes. The first objective is to create and maintain a satisfactory level of performance. The second objective is to contribute to employee growth and development through training, self and management development programs. The third goal is the superior to a proper understanding of their subordinates is to have. They also play a significant role in guiding employees to change jobs with the help of the continuous ranking. The fourth objective is to facilitate fair and equitablecompensation based on performance and to facilitate for testing and validating selection tests, interview techniques through comparing their scores with performance appraisal ranks. The last purpose is to provide information for making decisions regarding layoff and retrenchment; ensure organizational effectiveness through correcting the employee for standard and improved performance; and suggesting the change in employee behavior.
Every organization has to decide upon the content to be assessed before the program approved. Generally, the content analysis to assess job is determined on the basis of. Content can be assessed in the form of contribution to the objectives of the organization (activities) such as production, cost savings, return on capital etc. Other measures on behavior, based the measure observable physical actions, movements. Then there are targets that measure relevant job results, and amount of deposits mobilized. Finally, there areCharacteristics, the job activities are measured by the personal characteristics observed in employee. Content can be assessed with the purpose of the examination and the nature and extent of employees may differ.
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