
Seasonal Employment - Job Hunting For Summer Jobs

For those interested in seeking seasonal jobs, summer is around the corner as many job candidates are applying for these short-term work opportunities. Whether the candidate is a seasonal employee or a college student, there are few avenues to consider when embarking upon the job search.

Seasonal employment does limit the duration of the employment though it also serves as a positive stepping stone for getting acquainted with potential employers, new job contacts and a possible invitation to return to a position later in time. Do not let the short-term work benefit blind side you from making a lasting impression because we do live in a small world as one never knows if an employer will be needing your services past summer.

Interested job candidates can apply for the following summer opportunities: full time, part time, flex time and possibly telecommuting positions. For those interested in such opportunities, it is best to start applying in late Spring since some of these positions require candidates to start working from late May onwards through the end of summer.

Summer Jobs (corporate and retail) can be found through 'some' of the following mediums:

1. Craigslist
2. Hotjobs
3. Local mall websites
4. Temp Agencies Locally and Regionally (Use Google to search temp agencies or job agencies)
5. Networking at Professional and Social Events
6. Submitting your resume to major job sites (Monster, Careerbuilder, Indeed, etc.)
7. Asking friends and family for referrals
8. Contacting the local chamber of commerce
9. Networking with High School and College Alumni
10. Scanning through local newspapers

Some summer opportunities for college students may not offer pay, instead the employer will offer course credit if the student is offered a corporate position. This is a smart and efficient way of fulfilling college credits by earning real world experience at the same time satisfying your credit requirements. I have seen some employers grant 2-6 credits for an internship. The criteria for earning credits should be discussed with a student advisor before accepting an internship to avoid any misunderstandings during the internship.

This will benefit college students when the fall semester begins since they already have extra approved credits on file. Please note credits are acknowledged by the academic institution upon successful completion of the internship. Having a positive work experience will grant the employer for considering you for future seasonal opportunities during Christmas break and possibly next summer. If you are invited to return in the future, the employer may consider you for full time employment in the long run. There are no guarantees in the job market though seasonal opportunities do provide some insight to candidates of a company's significance in its competitive market.

Since these positions are short-term, individuals can assess whether they see themselves working in a similar environment again or whether they would consider another position next time. Such positions do have an end in sight so it is best to make a great impression because people are always seeking new talent year round. A short-term opportunity can do wonders for an individual's career path if they choose to capitalize upon their experiences. Good luck in your search!


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