How To Find a High Paying Part-Time Job in Today's Market
Today's economic climate has forced many people to look at supplementing their income with a part-time job. The trouble is most part-time job opportunities do not pay very well. This can defeat your purpose since you might be making extra money, but if the part-time job you take pays well below what your primary job pays, you will end up working more hours for less money per hour.
The solution is obviously to find a part-time job that pays well so it is worth your effort on a part-time basis. Believe it or not, high paying part time jobs are plentiful. Perhaps not as easy to find or recognize as most ads that you will find in the classifieds or online searches, but they are out there.
Here are some suggestions on finding a high paying part-time job:
1. Stop looking at the classified ads in the newspaper or the internet. Part-time jobs that pay well are less advertised since the turnover is lower than most part-time jobs you see in the newspapers or online. You see, part-time jobs that are unpleasant have high turnover. These are jobs like telemarketing, car washing, cashier positions etc.
Instead, make a list of businesses that fit your interests, lifestyle and geographic area. Then, approach these companies directly or visit their web site for job opportunities. Many large, established companies do very little advertising and rely on their web sites to handle recruitment. Make sure your resume' is up to date.
2. Apply at larger companies or well established local companies. If economic problems continue, larger, established companies usually can handle the changes better than smaller companies. This, of course, is not always the case, but it can help your chances. Also, check well established local companies since stronger competitors in your local area have the best chance of surviving an economic downturn. The other benefit is many larger companies have opportunities for pay increases and benefits, even for part-timers.
3. Look into established industries. Retail, even in a downturn, will not go away. Certain companies may go out of business, but the need for competent sales associates to help move merchandise will always remain. The same can be said for the medical field, delivery, cleaning and maintenance as well as the food and beverage industry. There are opportunities in these areas for part-time people that pay very well.
These ideas will help you get going toward finding a high paying part-time job, even in today's tough market.
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