How To Locate Equine Jobs And Employment Opportunities
Equine jobs seem to fit only those who love, breathe and think about horses most of the day. It is uncommon for people who "don't care much for horses" to spend the whole day in the company of these wonderful animals. There are many avenues of equine employment as horses not only need vets, jockeys, grooms and riders, they also need farm and stable managers and people to look after their foals.
If you are interested in equine employment, depending on the job, you may need an education in equine science. If you are looking for hands on job, you don't need much of an education. All you need is experience in handling horses and a love for equines. However if you are looking to become a vet, a lawyer or a researcher in equine science, you will have to pursue an educational degree in an established educational institution.
Experience with horses often helps in finding equine employment:
Many equine jobs require extensive practical "hands on" training along with your education. It is an added bonus to your resume if you have a few years experience working around and handling horses. You can consider taking up volunteer jobs at the local barn or mucking stalls so that you gain additional experience before applying for a grooming job for example. OR- start as a stable hand, and work your way up within the same stable.
The internet is today one of the best sources of information on equine employment. You can use search engines to look up equine jobs in your locality, or surrounding areas. In addition to various job listing websites such as "", you should consider looking for equine employment in general equine sites.
You will find lots of prospective employers through general equine sites. Although they may not actually advertise job openings, you can find many listings for horse related jobs which you can use as leads while seeking equine employment.
Mingling with people at a race track can bring you equine jobs:
Besides using the internet, you will find that equine employment is best availed through networking and word of mouth. This means that if you have relatives or friends working equine jobs, you may be able to join their establishment on their recommendations and your resume.
You can also try attending horse shows where you can talk to people about equine jobs. It is best to visit places like race tracks in the morning, when the horses are exercised. If you are in the right place at the right time, you may find someone who needs help in their barn or stable.
Make it a point to periodically check the bulletin boards in the local feed store and tack shop; there may be some adverts of people looking for help with their horses. Read equine newsletters and magazines as you may find equine employment openings here, including ads for equine jobs in barns, farms and riding schools.
Selling equine related products as a form of equine employment:
Besides all of the above, there are also peripheral businesses that are related to horses. Some of these do not include actual hands on work with equines. For example horse racing websites that require designers and writers to provide content for the website. There are also small businesses and organizations that sell or distribute products and services related to the equine industry. Think tack shops, grooming supplies, feed stores and more.
With so many avenues for equine employment, you are sure to find something that fits you perfectly. Just ensure that you are flexible in your employment options and be ready to work at any equine job you get. Once you enter the sphere of equine employment, you will find many more openings and additional avenues for you to pursue. Best of luck finding the equine job of your dreams!
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