Dismissal from? Prepare your job search hours
There is a consensus among observers of the economy that we have a recession (or already have one). Large companies have announced or expected layoffs, especially in areas hit by the subprime fallout.
Granted, not everyone is convinced that we are on for some tough economic sledding, but a possible recession in the course stresses the need to always be ready. If you have more downloaded, or there is a greater chance of losing your> Job is better to be prepared now scramble to be ready tomorrow.
For starters, you have a resume ready. But maybe you do not know where - and how - to begin. The first step is to ask these types of questions:
1. What skills do I have that my next employer do?
Review job descriptions for the different type of work would you do if you are looking for a job. See what I have words and phrases together. ThenTo find out which of your many skills best match the job they seek.
2. What job position I tell others to do the same?
Make it easy for the reader to display your individual worth. Customize your resume to the employer to reflect the terminology and the results show not only skills.
3. What were my major accomplishments in the workplace?
List your services and how they would help bring value to anotherCompanies. If you do not have numbers or percentages to show the results (eg sales, cost reduction and improvement of the time) to see if you get some data now - before you have to add in a curriculum.
4. What special skills do I have?
Did you learn a new computer technology? You can perform some specialized equipment? Speaking a foreign language?
5. There are at least three people, skills, and can attest to my work ethic?
Makehave their current contact information and inclusion of the references in a separate document, not on your resume.
6. What information can someone find me online?
Searches for your name and verify the information an employer could not find a website. In some cases, the employer rather than a contact references for research. If you have information that could damage the ability to remove the Webmaster on it.
7. How strong is my webThis?
Do you have an up-to-date profile on a Web-networking site like LinkedIn? If so, you must include the Web address (URL) on your resume or cover letter.
Answering these questions will provide you with the most important ingredients for your personal value proposition, "what the market will contribute to an employer. In short, the answer to an employer's fundamental question: why should I take?
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