10 Tips for Job Search - Finding the right job
Looking for a job but do not know how to prepare. These top 10 tips to help you organize a successful job hunt and the job becomes easy.
1. Be patient. Take care of yourself
Finding a job can cause stress and strong negative emotions. The emotions of loss, rejection, fear, anger and depression range. positive habits such as eating well and exercise and rest to maintain a social environment is crucial to stress managementduring the job search. Handle job search like a full time job and time at the end of each day to take care of other living things that your.
2. Know thyself
What aspects are you looking for a job? What kind of work would be a good fit for you? The job search begins with the preparation and planning. Write your personal characteristics such as values, interests, skills and experience. Acomplete list can help you get a realistic goal, the requirements of your work and will be useful when you create or update your resume and interview training.
3. Know the job market
Before you start looking, it makes sense that research on the labor market in the region that you want. There are many resources available to help with your research on the labor market employment, including the Internet, the library,Agencies, chambers of commerce, professional associations, career fairs, trade and business directories.
4. Find Leads
Drivers can turn to professionals within organizations that have found the capacity needed, or access to people who hire workers with skills similar to yours. If the organization could not borrow contact, ask them for referrals to other organizations, the openings that match your qualifications.
5. Taphidden job market
About 80% of employment and jobs in small businesses are not published and advertised by word of mouth. Take some 'cold calling, you might pay. Look on the internet or phone book for contact information.
6. The combination of the process of job search
You can increase your chances of market success by combining your strategy to work. Maintain a routine search at the local, regional andnational newspapers, Internet job boards and employment office every day. Records sent to all contacts in the network, cover letters and resumes, interviews, thank-you notes references, and follow-up.
7. Visit daily vacancies sites
Workplaces are changing every day, so its important to keep things up. Here are some sites to check:
BC Jobs
Jobs in Canada
Future Works
Job Forum Canada
8. Writing an effective cover letter and resume
Write to
A cover letter with CV to present. The cover letter is your marketing tool and do not need a double your resume. This cover letter draws the attention of their employer and their interest in looking at your resume. Be sure to indicate your interest in the work and organization, to describe themarketable skills provide contact information and request an interview.
Always write a curriculum to address a specific position within an organization. The job description is to clearly identify how to meet the qualifications and skills required by them. Format your application will show you, meet all the demands of work. If you create a difficult time or revise your resume, looking for a professionalresume writing service provider.
9. Organize the work samples
Today, employers are asking candidates samples of their work. It 's a good idea, samples of your work, education, success and recognition in a portfolio to offer when speaking of their experiences in an interview.
10. Know How to Interview
The better you are prepared for the interview, the less nervous you are and more likelyis to succeed. Like any skill, practice makes perfect, so be prepared to not go wrong in an interview. This could be the first interview in days or weeks, can not afford to be produced. Trying to find interview techniques, take classes, look for a coach and practice interview with a friend.
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