
How to stay focused and to ensure confidence in the course of a Less Than Perfect Job Search - Job Search Blues

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em' Certainly I can!" Then get busy and find a way to do it. "- Theodore Roosevelt

Q: I have searched for work for months. I'm sending back and let everyone know that I have a job as a career suggests need all the books and still do not have prospects. Part of me wants only problem I see is the next, no matter what. What am I doing wrong?

A: I'm glad you askedthis question. It 's a very common concern, and has more than a few people to take less desirable jobs, perhaps before it was really necessary cause.

Job search

There are many things horizon that must be taken into account in the implementation of a successful job search and when it seems that if you do everything correctly and there are no offers for potential ', can be very daunting. The key thing to remember when you reachthis stage is that each step the value.

A sign that the job search blues

You wake up and decide, do not waste your time looking for more.

They sit on the couch and watch bad TV all day, wondering why it seems that everyone in TV is much happier than you paste job and far.

You seriously consider a job that would pay section of a drastic and requires you to do something they hate orall that are grossly over-qualified.

Can you imagine, in a variety of occupations that are less desirable and feel trapped in your own miserable existence.

They glorify the work you and left you wondering why you ever decided to go.

What not to do

Lose hope. The average job search can take between 3-6 months, the leaders and sometimes more. Many successful interns.

Stop looking in the labor market and can notto stay abreast of what happens in companies in your industry.

Stop sending them back and to stop building the network.

Take the first job that you are one of only offered because you are afraid that it will be.

Take a job that is strictly to bring in a paycheck and then decide to stop, because you hate your job search process.

Losing confidence in your abilities and lose sight of what you have to offer an organization. The length ofa long job search, the number of refusals received, and the number of interviews back up directly to your level of effectiveness of confidence and self esteem. Note that the interviewer brings to every feeling of inadequacy that you have and can only do harm.

What to do

Do something every day that the direction of travel in your job search successful. This may mean creating a more informative interview or asksomeone in your network for the names of two other people with whom you speak.

Strategies and evaluate what you have done. Document what worked and what did not and make adjustments as appropriate.

Continue to build your network. Be more relevant, as you can if you talk to people and tell them what you hope to achieve with this research work. The most important you can see, the more likely they are to people who may be able to linkHelp them.

Stay positive. Create your vision for yourself and imagine that your meeting with a new job.

Remember, spend some time together each day doing something you love and surround yourself with positive people who support the trip and who listens to you when you need a shoulder to lean on.

Working with a career coach helps you reevaluate what you're doing and consider what other options you can use. A career coach could help withYour resume or give a precise skills into question. You can maybe some opportunities to further strengthen the network, propose. More important, however, that a good coach can help you stay the course, support you if you feel the task and help you stay in touch, we want to do and how you want to express your career goals.


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