
Christian Marketing Made Easy: Answering 15 important questions on successfully marketing your ministry, talent, product, service or event

Christian Marketing Made Easy: Answering 15 important questions on successfully marketing your ministry, talent, product, service or event Review

Christian Marketing Made Easy: Answering 15 important questions on successfully marketing your ministry, talent, product, service or eventChristian Marketing Made Easy: Answering 15 important questions on successfully marketing your ministry, talent, product, service or event

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Christian Marketing Made Easy: Answering 15 important questions on successfully marketing your ministry, talent, product, service or event Product Description

Does the bible provide answers to today's marketing questions, and should Christians use secular marketing techniques and tools? And how can Christians cost-effectively transform and energize their marketing without compromising their Christian faith?
"You'll be surprised to learn the bible says a lot about marketing. A Christian just has to know where to look and how to make the vital application of biblical principles to the competitive marketplace," explains C. Paschal Eze, the Coralville Iowa USA-based author and preacher who says the bible is the best marketing book of all time, providing lots of information and compelling examples on what to do, where, when and how. 
That's why in "Christian Marketing Made Easy: Answering 15 important questions on successfully marketing your ministry, talent, product, service or event," Eze takes your hand and shows you proven ways to successfully market your ministry, product, service, talent, cause or event using biblical principles. 
It is loaded with helpful tips, techniques and tools any Christian can easily understand, apply and share.  
"What I have done here is to help preachers, Christian business owners and managers, nonprofit executives and even job seekers - who are all involved in marketing in one way or another - think and act biblically while marketing to Christians and non-Christians," adds Eze.

About C. Paschal Eze

C. Paschal Eze, author of many well regarded books, is known to target CEOs, politicians, artists, professionals and nonprofit executives as the go-to guy for game-changing ideas and strategies. A former daily newspaper and monthly business magazine editor-in-chief, Coralville Iowa USA-based Eze is a result-rendering change management strategist, certified training consultant and international speaker who has been inspiring, educating and energizing audiences in different parts of the world for nearly 20 years. Also an ordained minister of the gospel, he has been cited or featured in many leading newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs especially in USA and UK.

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