
Job Search Strategy - Getting a different angle

What is it that others see that you are aware? Most people are looking for a job change or career began with the creation of a self-evaluation. Another way to get some ideas of your skills, talents and gifts is, friends and current or former work colleagues what they see as the strengths request. Get a different perspective can be very helpful.

Years ago when I started my coaching business, I went to a meeting with other coaches. We have an exercise whereEach of us had a piece of paper attached to the back. We were told to walk and write a word in every newspaper person, we described the most popular of this person.

My list was long and had words most of which would not be surprising to me, but what was considered different from the "practical", not a word that was with me, come on, they are.

When initiating or continuing job search, it is important for candidates to distinguish themselves from others.In my coaching practice, I have my questions customers 5 to 10 friends, directors and / or colleagues to identify their five (customer) strengths and / or ability. They do it in an e-mail. This exercise can really validation. My clients often feel really appreciated by the answers.

Of course, you should not just accept what others say about you, but it's a good idea to ask others if you do not agree. First, he rejected the idea of "practice."

The more I think about it with otheralso my coach, plus I could see how it was right. Friends and colleagues said they recognized and appreciated my approach is often practical and honest feedback I got on a request of an idea. (Still!)

If you are looking for ways to energy or strength to fill your job, ask friends their opinion on the strengths, abilities and talents. You can also make it possible to get a different perspective that can pay big to see.

Take Action:

1. WhatThe attributes are missing from the list of strengths, values and talents to see that others in your business?

2. Make a list of between 5 and 10 friends, colleagues and managers.
Send an e-mail letting everyone on your list, what you do and ask them to list five words that describe. Give them a date by which you want to e-mail back.

3. Read and think about the answers. Any surprises? Do you agree with what people say? If you do not receive feedback fromothers. You can take one of these strengths in their curriculum, the elevator speech or your answers in interviews?

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