
Innovative Job-Searching Strategies and Job-Searching Secrets

With the current state of the U.S. economy the difficulty of finding a job is experienced by many people. Job searching has become more then a full-time job in itself for many people. With thousands of job resources available on the internet it is impossible to search every resource on a daily basis, or is it? This article presents job searching strategies and resources that will help you search most if not all of the job resources on the internet in a small amount of time. This article presents these strategies starting with the most obvious strategy to the least obvious.

Use the Major job boards:

1. Monster.com
2. Careerbuilder.com
3. Hotjobs.com
4. net-temps.com
5. dice.com

Be sure to post your resume to each of the major job boards. There are employers who do not post jobs, but, seek candidates solely by searching through resumes posted at these sites.

Vertical Job Search Engines:

1. indeed.com
2. simplyhired.com

Vertical job search engines are probably the single most powerful tool you can use. These vertical job search engines search through millions of jobs from thousands of resources including the major job boards, classifieds, associations, recruiters, company career pages, newspapers, niche job boards, etc., etc., etc., You will find job postings originating from places that you never heard of!. It is a must that you include BOTH of these websites in your job search strategy.


1. oodle.com
2. craigslist.org

Most Classified websites offer employers a free way to post jobs. It is a must that you include searching classifieds in your job search. The oodle.com website is the most powerful classifieds search tool available. It searches through 40 million classifieds from 80,000 sources!

The craigslist.org website is the single most popular classifieds website. It is must that you use this website independently of oodle.com

Niche Job Boards:
There are hundreds if not thousands of small job boards that specialize in jobs in only certain industries. These job boards are much cheaper for employers to post jobs to then the major job boards. I know companies who use niche job boards exclusively to find candidates. Some examples include:

1. jobsinthemoney.com (Accounting & Finance)
2. engcen.com (Engineering)
3. healthjobsusa.com (Healthcare & Medical)

You can go to any major search engine to locate these job boards. Typing in keywords such as "Engineering Jobs", or "Accounting Jobs" will help you find these niche sites. The secret to finding these types of websites is that you MUST look past the first couple of search result pages at major search engines. You may have to go to pages as high as 10 through 20. The major job boards seem to always occupy the top rankings in the search engines.

State Agency Career Websites:
Each state has a career website in which employers can post jobs to for free. These are the same websites in which job seekers are required to post resumes to when applying for state unemployment benefits. Searching your state's career website is must. Not only is job posting free, companies often use these resources to find candidates who are within the local area. Many times employers will use these websites exclusively for posting jobs and searching resumes. It is also recommend that you post your resume to your state's career website. The following web address provides links to each state agency career website:


Corporate Websites & Governmental Websites:
If you know companies or government agencies that hire people with your qualifications go to their corporate or agency website. Almost all large companies and governmental agencies are required to post open positions on their own website. This is normally done long before posting to any other website. In many cases companies will exclusively post job openings on their own corporate website and never place them anywhere else.

If you use these resources often you will see jobs that appear on one resource but no others. After some time you will also notice that there are many jobs that appear over and over again as you visit the different websites. When this happens you know you have the majority of the internet covered when comes to finding jobs and you will be one of the first to know when a new job is posted. Good luck with your job search.

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