
It is the job search stalled?

Perhaps the market is trying to send a message.

Could be some sort of problem with the product (six). Perhaps it has something to connect with the way the product to the market to do. Or it could be something on the market, contributing to your situation.

Time for an early departure. A situation analysis is to suggest what you can do to adapt.

For example:

difficult or lacking competence, adding that at someDisadvantage?

or Do any of your skills need to be updated?

Ø How is your "vibe?" directors of staff feel a defeatist attitude.

O Especially when you have an area where the client or the work has been particularly affected, you may need to be flexible, to make things happen. Are you willing to examine, expand your search to other areas? Have you ever thought to apply your skills in another field? Sixrealistic about your claims?

What happened or have been in relation to the identification of opportunities? Obviously it is more difficult during a recession, but companies are still for rent. You need to know how to identify and find out where the facts are.

If you see or how their effectiveness, to find ways to get into this business?

o If you create the network strategy?

or what did youdifferent from the other candidates can compete with?

Or How effective is your message?

In addition to considerations of product and market, you can learn something about finding yourself.

Where in the process of running against the problems? There 's some kind of consistency of the model - what's new? For example:

or send your CV regularly, but have received little or no response.

oSome measures - perhaps you've been invited to a handful of interviews - but has not called again for the next round.

Or make the finals, but the job offer.

These three scenarios are very different, but there is a pattern in all cases. If you are in regular exercise are in trouble at some point, you should be able to find the errors and find the obstacle.

On the other hand, if the results are random, isbecome a bit 'more difficult to identify the problem - but not impossible. See if you can help a close friend or family member to obtain review of the messenger and preparation. outside perspective can be invaluable.

Do not forget your recruiter. If you are one with all the means to exploit this resource for advice. He or she should be able to help you discover what's happening.

There are a lot of things on the labor market is not manipulated.Fortunately, you have complete control of the position of the product (you), the brand and yourself way. Take time to analyze the factors and see what can be done to improve results.


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