
What They Won't Tell You in Job-Search 101 - 7 Performance Metrics Help You Get Better Jobs Fast

You send out resumes for 60 days, get two interviews and no job offers. Because you have a solid educational background and excellent work history you wonder why, "It's not working?" Right? Right!

Using performance metrics holds you accountable and ensures you find a better paying job faster in any economy.

You get zero to one point for cold mass mailings; zero to one point for sending resumes to names of people you don't know; and zero to one point for getting a cold referral. Don't you think it is better to spend more time on "high metric" efforts?

Helping someone get what they want causes that person to bend over backwards to help you get what you want; two new live, living contacts to call and add to your network - 2 - 3 points.

You get permission to use a contact's name to meet a new, live, living individual who can refer you to two or more live, living individuals - 2 - 3 points.

You score an in-person or telephone appointment (not an interview) to get advice about your job search and a critique of your resume. You receive the names of two new people you have permission to contact using the name of your new contact - 3 - 4 points.

You score an in-person or telephone evaluation with a "retained" (vs. a "contingency") search firm that specializes in placing people who do what you do - 3 - 4 points.

You build trust with a new contact or existing one who personally calls someone else and recommends you, spelling out your background and experience - 4 - 5 points or 5 - 6 points (you decide) if a telephone or in-person interview is scheduled. (No points for no call).

You score an interview with someone who can say, "Yes." - 9 - 10 points (you decide) depending upon the quality of the interview.

You receive a job offer that matches your background, experience, and career advancement. Again you decide. - 15 - 20 points?


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