Job Search - Are You Pushing the "ANY" Key Or Are You Specific?
The ANY Key Method
I recently had lunch with a friend, that is in the career counseling area, and he mentioned a candidate that was looking for "ANY" thing. He asked this person to go over to the computer keyboard and press "ANY" key. The person did and he then asked why they selected that specific key. The response was that there was not any specific request so they just hit a key.
Is the "ANY" approach the way that you want to manage your career? Is that a productive job search? Absolutely not, and even more so; absolutely not in this job market.
Prevailing Mentality
The mentality of the "Any" job is that the job seeker does not want to rule themselves out for an opportunity. True enough, but the reality is that instead of ruling yourself out for one position; you rule yourself out for all positions. As Zig Ziglar says; "Being a wandering generality will get you nowhere. Being a meaningful specific will get you where you want to go." You cannot leave your career path to chance and the whims of the recruiter and hiring manager. You must have a career plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
Long ago I would attend computer shows and one of the items that many vendors would give away was a keyboard key that said "Any Key". This was because so many messages would say press "any key" to continue. Obviously there was no "Any Key" so this solved the problem. Just like there is no "Any Key" there is no "Any Job" position. Make the recruiter's and hiring manager's task easier by being a specific.
The "ANY" Mentality Is an Oxymoron to Your Expertise"
Employees want to be recognized and acknowledged for their contributions and expertise; that cannot happen with the "ANY" mentality. The only way that you can receive the recognition you desire is by being a specific; by being acknowledged for the skills, abilities, and expertise that you possess. Do not discount those attributes with the "ANY" mentality!
Those That Will Do "ANY" Job Are Willing To Be Paid Anything!
The "ANY" mentality means that you can do anything that could be done by anybody. If anybody can do it; the value of the position is whatever the minimum is that someone, anyone, would accept to do the job. It is impossible to negotiate a wage in that situation.
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