Tips For Choosing an Effective Job Search Site
There are loads of online job search sites available. The key to successful job hunting is to know the right sites to apply in. Short listing the effective job search websites is an important exercise which most of us under value. Uploading your resume anywhere and everywhere is not going to help. You don't want to make an online presence; you want to get jobs matching your criteria. And targeting them through the right websites is the first step.
Here are a few pointers you should keep in mind while choosing an effective job search site.
1. Give importance to the site popularity. Register yourself with not just the top ranking but also the fastest growing job search portal. The higher the traffic, the more you are going to get noticed.
2. Choose an integrated job search site which gathers postings from various job search engines and company websites. You can get all information in one place and hence save time and energy.
3. Give importance to the resume uploading facility. Ensure that the process is easy, instant and safe.
4. Lay emphasis on the search process. Does it allow you to search jobs via various parameters such as industry, location, years of experience, level of job etc? Ensure that the job search process is easy and precise.
5. Check the site not just as a job seeker but also as a recruiter. After all, it's the recruiters you need to appeal to. It is important to judge the appeal of the job search site to the recruiters also.
6. Check how often companies are posting job requirements. Any good website would always mention the job posting date, so that you do not waste time applying for a job posted months earlier. The relevancy and the frequency of updating jobs are important criterion.
7. Give preference to sites with greater interactivity. Look out for blogs, forums or other interactive platforms within the job search website.
8. Check out for tools offered by the site enabling better management of your search. These may include flagging off, getting job alerts and notifications, facility for easy and fast uploading of resumes and simpler management console.
9. Check if the job search site offers something extra. That is, it goes beyond the actual services of recruitment. These may include stuff like company reviews and online networking platforms.
10. Check for privacy and safety of the job site. You definitely do not want to take any risks. Ensure that they are not using your email id to spam. Always read the privacy policy before short listing the search website.
Ensure that you check on the above factors before you short list the job search sites to register with. The site should satisfy the basic criteria of convenience, accessibility, easy management, interactivity, safety and other add on benefits.
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