Job Search Strategies commit - is Career Suicide?
We regularly to avoid people and take stock of many parts of our lives - and often have enhanced our profession (or, if we are lucky our work). Many of us spend most of our waking to work yet what we are doing much to think about as we landed our first job.
And if you have completed your work, you may also be the old dream of your life by 18 or 21 years. Do not know about you, but I would not trust my careerDecisions of the best teens, even the world.
There are many opportunities in our job or career, is the old way of TS Eliot, copy, "he said to us there is only the attempt. The rest is not our thing." A modern take on the subject is from the book by Timothy Ferris' "The week of four hours," where he says: "I will ask you to choose between consumption today and money later. Think I Can Have Both you now. The goal is fun and profit. "
You must decide ifWant to live your life according to TS Eliot or Timothy Ferris. I know what I would have chosen.
If you think you're in a job or career That is not the one most suited to the life he wants (to live, you Evaluate the current position of the following criteria, based on a scale of 1 to 10 higher). One is absolutely terrible and 10 is perfect - and work there, receiving all 10's.
First, we can do for growth?
According What opportunitiesE 'for the day to day challenges, which I appreciate very much?
The third I have the opportunity to interact with others, or long-range strategic planning, writing, thinking, you enter the field, or whatever it is that turns me on?
Fourth is the culture that I feel comfortable with?
Your answers to these questions will give you some insight to say which of the following apply to you:
o You can use trading techniques, probably to your currentAble to meet all your criteria for a match without moving.
o It is probably very unhappy where you are and should be put sensor short, so you can make a move soon.
or should begin to consider your options. If you can big changes where you are probably not always be respected.
or it's time to take a train - is committing career suicide!
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