
The Six Figure Job Search

Before discussing how to start looking for work for a figure six, we set the goal weight. The goal is to double your income every five years. This may seem a bit '. Well, it ... but it is a stretch goal is possible.

I have this goal for me twenty years ago when I graduated from a small public college. I grew an average boy from Philadelphia. I had average ratings in high school and college. And I never went to graduate school. At that time I didfrom college, I had never been west of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was. Twenty years later, I can tell you that I lived and worked in three different continents, and vice president of a major listed companies.

What made the difference for me were two things.

First it was my beloved College. You always feel that I could do and what I wanted. His faith was a driving force that ignited my ambition.

Second was the director of my locationCollege. He spoke with the senior class of the labor market in 1983 ... what was wrong. He spent three quarters of his presentation telling us what we could do and what we expect. While acknowledging that sought to manage our expectations, we are not disappointed or frustrated in our search for work frankly piss me its negativity

One of the things he told us that we just forget that for Armstrong WorldIndustries. Armstrong was in the same town as my college is located. The director told us that the labor market was given by Armstrong was "market up for the bigger name schools, so we should let it go to waste our time chasing Armstrong.

Right there and then I made up my mind that nobody wanted to tell me what I can do when it came to success. Since Armstrong has been interviewed on campus, I had to learn how to talk with their countryCollege recruiter.

I targeted work with them in their sales organization. I thought it would impress when I made a cold call on the college recruiter. So I planned my approach. I would go there around noon, when the main reception was not running. I thought that person includes lunch during their duty to take seriously as a gate condition. I thought if I could only get in the Human Resources Department, I could probably wait for the return of College Recruiterdining.

My plan worked better than expected, because the college recruiter was having lunch at his desk and he was happy to be with a college student who called him cold.

I had my two minute pitch ready and my questions, polished more information on their needs and to collect all ready to go. I was very relaxed because I thought the interview had nothing to lose, this is true in any job. If the interview that currently do not learn from it, and thenJust go ahead.

After an hour's College Recruiter I offered to join Armstrong's training program. The first thing I did when I arrived back on campus was to see the director of internships. I told him, as I have in my program hit 1977 Datsun B-210 was carrying my brand new navy blue suit, polyester I bought at Sears the night before and drove to Armstrong and landed a job training to join the their universities. You could have beaten aSpring. Then I told him that my salary would double every five years ...

I learned three things from this experience:

First, you can not tell someone what you can do.

Secondly, if we learn career, how to successfully level management can significantly advance their job search.

Thirdly, suddenly you're willing to learn for themselves and not a quitter can achieve their goals.

I apply these three lessons twenty years ago, and II'm not sorry ... including my income doubling every five years. The best decision I made, my love, the first college lit the spark of ambition in me to marry. We are happily married with three grown children since then.

I always felt that was the original "Average Joe" who have found ways to break through the ceiling of mediocrity, I wanted to share what I learned. What led me to want to try teaching a six-part figure salary position were twoThings.

First I finished as a manager at three large public companies, before I was forty. And secondly, I saw the news that the number one New Year resolution is to get a new career or your work early.

I started working on the Six Figure Job Search CD, which was launched in July 2003 This CD runs the executive job seekers through the entire process of planning his campaign forThe offer of negotiation. And I agree with the overview of the techniques here.

Search for a figure-salary you are, you understand that it is a numbers game. You are now approaching the point closer to the pyramid and the demand for six figure jobs always exceeds supply. Your resume should at the very moment in which a company or a recruiter has to make a person with special skills and experience. So you can see that you get very few results ... Therefore, we needget up to bat as often as possible.

An error I've seen is that the managers believe that the process is easier than it actually is. They believe that once their name and send them your resume to 50 or 100 companies, then the world will beat a path to their door. Do you understand is just opposite, that this process is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, knowledge of how to control the process and be carefully prepared as the main keys toSuccess.

The more the leader climbs go, the more different items your functional abilities in the game as part of the recruitment process. The rental companies screen your functional capacity, but this is just the minimum ante.

The first thing the government wants to set is evaluated, what kind of person you are. Are you the kind of person you want to change them? If the Executive setting does not personally have a good feeling for you, then it will be difficult to winabout. This may be unfair, but it's human nature.

Next is the hiring manager is looking at your functional ability. Suffice it to say that you will be able to experience success and specifications that show how you do the qualifications for the position of the point.

At this point, the setting will probably see the Executive, if you measure with society, culture and environment. Also you should learn as much as possible the corporate culture. NotSense is a place I do not feel like work is a good fit.

Another thing is, if rent is considered a risky venture. The cost of bad decision to take a lot of time and money for both the candidate and the company. If this role will be a big step for this is another element of danger. Even if this is a new area for you, too, is a risk. These types of objections can handle the researcher ready.

The bottom lineQuestion in the minds of the executive power of appointment is: "will bring added value to the company, which far exceeds the compensation they pay?" This is the magic formula that is necessary to concentrate the entire process.

Many managers have contacted me looking for work and have been said of me what they thought they deserved and worth, he started ... You know what? I could care less. If I'm not sold on the value they can provide first, then why should I be interested in whatthey want?

Let me tell you from experience on both sides of the desk, if this is the executive value that can provide an offer that is more likely to believe in what you felt you "deserved". But you must clearly demonstrate the tangible value that can be supplied.

Most people have a great value, they can offer, but they communicate what the value is bad. Therefore, it is often not the person with the innate talent that gets set, is the person who can best articulate, so profitable, what is her talent that she was offered the job.

Some common mistakes many applicants are lack of preparation and a lack of understanding of the details of the research process. There are two traps you should know.

The first trap is the misconception that the job outplacement counseling is responsible for ensuring that you have one. The second trap is the misconception that> Job Broker, or resume distribution companies hired to find a job.

These things can happen, but do not count!

It 'much more likely that you have wasted research time and money by avoiding the full responsibility.

If your work has been put out of operation and your company provided outplacement services, push them hard because they paid for it, if you find a job or not. Better yet, try to negotiate an agreementwith your former employer in which you want to be an amount in cash that he paid outplacement services. Are much more likely to concentrate the money in a way that best suits your needs.

I'm not a big fan of outplacement services. I see through outplacement executives of The Walking Dead. Outplacement recalls ill-conceived government entitlement programs, any leakage of motivation from people who are forced to rely on them.

This is not reallysurprising, as most leaders, have been forced from their jobs to outplacement mixed. Tend to be bitter, and the feeling that a company that had the new job relocation. The smartest thing you can do is about as fast as you can. Instead of always bitter, and we hope to focus on what is important to you and your family. bad things happen to good people and societies, but how you react to the situation is 100% within yourControl. As an experienced and knowledgeable research work can help to protect your health and reason, while opening more opportunities for you.

With regard to job brokers, happiness is not the only thing that money can not buy you can not buy a job, either. I also recommend avoiding resume distribution companies with wild claims of success. You can learn to do the same things to themselves with a little 'time and effort, and save much money.

Here isThe number one tip to six levels of job search, do not go alone. advance your career and your needs are too important to risk with ... or for that matter left to chance. Underselling themselves unfair or not you sell to your potential costs. It will also cost tens of thousands of dollars in compensation annually and over 10, 15 or 20 years paying for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Dependencecareer of a famous coach or mentor is looking for work has shown that experience of six-figure salary and executives.


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