
Job search during a recession - 5 things you can do now to get better results

As a coach, I recommend the following strategies for my clients who are in career transition. These strategies are effective at any time, but especially when the market is hard work.

Network, network, network! Since most networks work following the discovery, I can not stress enough how important it is. The network can mean many things: traditional individual trade events, more informal meetings, networking and online volunteering. Witha combination of methods is ideal as a rule. In reality, network, in one or more years should be done, and not only find a job. This will have in place of this research are available to help an established network, when the time comes for the job.

Contact family and friends. As a variant of the network, send an email to your family and friends, simply stating that you are looking for a new location, what kind ofPosition you are seeking and a brief summary of his professional experience / background. (You also submit your resume, but Avoid automatically fixing the original email. It may depend on how presumptuous.) Although no one knows your friends and relatives of all the possibilities, often try to talk to other people to know who link may have contacts for you.

Consider temporary work. I have a coaching client of the time work began a few months ago, and subsequentlyoffered a full-time work at this company. Temporary work is a good idea for several reasons. For example, where temps usually preferred to full-time jobs available. It 's also a good way to try to see a particular organization, if it is really a job that you want full-time.

Conduct informational interviews. Research Organisation in an industry that has an interest and request an informational interview with someone who works there. This could be the manResources Director, CEO, paintings, etc. The idea of informational interviews is not to seek a job, but only to obtain information about the organization and / or industry. Similarly temps that gave preference to full-time jobs, we have an advantage in this situation because they now have personally met and are known for their interest and initiative.

Take care of yourself. This is a step often overlooked in the process, butextremely important. If you plan to exercise regularly, proper nutrition and enough sleep, reduce stress, which is a long way to improve the physical and mental well-being, and in turn help Outlook and attitude in finding a new job. So the whole process much easier.


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