Job Search Networking - Will You Make me look stupid?
The internal dialogue network
What do you think if someone you just met you asked, know who is introduced? You're thinking if you feel comfortable sharing that person on your network? This is exactly what others think.
Just as the value of your contacts, the person you are talking about. But unless you know what people want, the meetings will not make a big impression. And they can do more Feel free to find someone in their network.
Make sure you are not embarrassed to bring
The more accurate your desires, you will sound more professional. You talk as if having an intelligent conversation with someone you've sent in. You sound like you act together and not lose embarrassing.
This assessment and internal dialogue are all the time you get with people talking. This is another place to workResearch Strategy> sophisticated can give you an edge over the network.
As the country most introductions
Here is one approach when you ask someone, you want to introduce a specific person in their system. Even if you do not ask why their friend, who volunteer the information that you want to meet.
Tell them you see, this person will be able to help. Tell them what you want to discuss and / or ask questions. It will go a long way to ensurethem not to embarrass!
Example from my experience
I met someone recently asked him a couple of people I know introduce. Although I was impressed with him in our brief conversation, I wondered if I would feel comfortable introducing appreciate him in my network connections. I never wanted to hear them say: "What do you think this person had sent me?" It 'was a terrible call! "
So I asked specifically what he wants to knowthem. And he could not tell me! Yikes, is that you went to these meetings, without preparation, and means the absence of good questions?
What impression would act if he is not as strong and professional? And what about my contacts would have thought of me, send someone you do not really know because he wanted to talk to them?
I knew it was a smart guy and friendly, but it was enough for me to take the risk.
So I askedif you could tell me what kind of things he wants to find so that I could make sure I was who introduced him to the right people. Of course this was not the reason for everything I was asked for details on how you can probably tell. In fact, it took several days for the peculiarities of wanted to know what to do.
It may seem excessive, but I know I'm not the only person who values and guards network. Once on her way only support it, I was happymake these entries.
Because of its preparation, when I called my contacts to see if I could relate Any of them, I was able to tell them what kind of information and tried because I thought it Would be perfect to talk with him. It should only go for the whole process much easier, everyone felt more comfortable, and made three brand new contacts, which are now referred to Him by others.
How to build a large network
They wanted him was so readyQuestions bigger, and not waste their time. Because he was ready, has created some great relationships, it will be important for the rest of his career, not only when looking for a job. In addition, each of them was willing to give him a transfer to a person in their network . Now has six great new connections and creating a large network!
Tip try: do your preparation work so that people feel comfortable referring to the
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