
Job search and your Social Media Curriculum

If you have not updated your resume in a little ', you will find that you need more that the content is updated. Today's job seekers may have a greater chance of seeing their talent with a gift ever new variations, such as their credentials: the social media resume.

The concept of social media in the first half of 2008, developed some reports say it was Christopher Penn, who came with the name and idea.

Not a biography in the sense oftraditional paper document, the social media resume includes your resume, plus the sum of the "you" online, which focused in particular on his life and work experience.

This may be your social networking profile pages, audio podcasts, video clips, articles you've written are the forum posts you have made ... but a few possibilities. You can refer to something on your unique skills, personality, background, experience and services for all of your employmentBackground.

The social media resume can be a source of fear for job seekers, especially those who had back hard enough time putting together a conventional. But social media is worth the extra time and again. Once you have a traditional fixed again in force, the media once again becomes an exercise of your strengths and your skills in an online environment.

The value of social media resume is that job seekers can create aattributes and content managers who want to take back their personal brand and its positioning is reflected in terms of employment candidates.

In essence, social media is looking for work can decode the recruitment process. Instead of presenting the curricula of their employers to their employers to return a vehicle to pull in is basically a walking billboard of qualifications and credentials that can be searched anddivided.

The easiest way is to start a web page or blog to create. There are many applications that can be released is OpenWare a web presence, for example, WordPress, TypePad two very user-friendly solutions. If you want to make a choice a bit 'fancier, get most of the applications for free and a paid version that will allow a bit' more. For most job seekers, freeware, it works fine.

You must purchase your domain name, as thisbe crucial. URL sample yournameRÉSUMÉ.com work and are, Once the domain name and your page is set up for all that you want to include: business cards, paper resume, samples of work or other marketing materials you are looking for work could serve as part of your .

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