
Job Searching Online for Dummies

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Job Searching Online for DummiesJob Searching Online for Dummies

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Job Searching Online for Dummies Product Description
It sure is maddening to feel like you're wasting away in a frustrating or dead-end job. And even if you have a great job, sometimes it's just time to move on. But it's also scary to switch careers. And while getting a great job is always important, it's especially so when that job is the first job of your new career. Whether you're a seasoned job-hunter or a fresh-faced graduate, you may be surprised to know that online job searching is so widespread now that between 40 and 80 percent of employers search for job candidates online. And while everybody has completely different job-search questions and needs, the second edition of Job Searching Online For Dummies is designed for every job seeker, including: Passive job seekers; those just casually keeping an eye out for new job opportunities; New college graduates; Seasoned pros, who will want to take some time to find a job that fits their skills perfectly; Web novices, who need to get up to speed on using the Internet and figure out what makes an online job search work; Job seekers who need to find a job yesterday, who are ready to start browsing jobs immediately. In this book, you'll discover everything you need to know to capture the best job possible by using the Web and other online tools, such as e-mail. And you'll uncover tips to: Get organized and develop an online job-search strategy; Put together an efficient, effective electronic resume or Web portfolio; Understand the intricacies of e-mailing and online networking; Navigate cyberspace and online job databases; Improve your job-search odds Getting a great job doesn't have to be a drudgery. As you plan your job-search strategy, write your resume, and begin to contact employers, know that Job Searching Online For Dummies is here to help you in your journey. It's chock-full of the latest online job searching advice.

Job Searching Online for Dummies Specifications
If your last job search took place more than a year ago, you may be shocked at how widespread online job hunting is today. Pam Dixon reckons that between 40 and 80 percent of employers now search for job candidates online, with millions of jobs being posted via company Web pages and online employment databases. If you know how to use it, the Internet is a magnificent tool for learning what jobs are available, in your field or in fields you may wish to explore, in your neck of the woods or across the country in a region you may not mind relocating to--if only there were a job waiting for you.

Job Searching Online for Dummies is a priceless investment in the job hunt process. Dixon explains new job search trends (such as who is likeliest to succeed in an online job search) and which online job search strategies are most effective. She provides job search engines and professional indexes, discusses résumé privacy, and touches on the tricky issue of whether your current boss may see your résumé online. There are also chapters on formatting an electronic résumé, résumé send-out strategies, how to compose an appropriate electronic cover letter, and doing a bit of pre-interview Internet research, too. Dixon then delves into e-mail protocol, contacting the right people, and using online job databases to your best advantage. There's an Internet directory in back, with 63 pages of worthwhile Web sites, and there's a CD, too, compatible with PC and Mac systems, that contains a clickable list of all the URLs in the directory, an ASCII template for a basic electronic résumé, and BBEdit Lite, a freeware text editor (compatible with Mac OS only) for composing HTML.

Job hunting is still exhilarating, scary, and time-consuming, but if you take advantage of the job search techniques the Internet now offers, the process can be far more efficient and effective. You have nothing to lose, except perhaps the right job. --Stephanie Gold
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Job Searching Online for Dummies

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