
Career Development: A 21st Century Job Search Handbook

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Career Development: A 21st Century Job Search HandbookCareer Development: A 21st Century Job Search Handbook

List Price: $37.00
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Career Development: A 21st Century Job Search Handbook Product Description
This is a manual to help individuals plan with more professionalism to achieve better results in a job search than they would have without the benefits of this disciplined process.

People look for new jobs for a variety of reasons. Some include: boredom with current job, do not like current work situation or colleagues, attained new certification or completed a new degree, want to realize the potential for greater rewards, moved to a new place physically or psychologically, need to retire or slow down a bit, life style change, along with many other reasons.

This text is written in a disciplined method that would parallel an individual's search. It moves systematically from "I need to find a new job!" to "I will begin working in this new job on Monday." And planning for future changes after that. No one should ever stop looking for a better job that might be available, even if you are happy in your present job.

This step by step approach also encourages job searchers to use the Internet and Cyberspace to increase their strategic market visibility in the field of their choice to 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Even while job searchers are sleeping the search continues.

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Career Development: A 21st Century Job Search Handbook

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