
Job Training Analysis: A Process for Quickly Developing a Roadmap for Teaching and Evaluating Job Skills August 2006

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Job Training Analysis: A Process for Quickly Developing a Roadmap for Teaching and Evaluating Job Skills August 2006Job Training Analysis: A Process for Quickly Developing a Roadmap for Teaching and Evaluating Job Skills August 2006

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Job Training Analysis: A Process for Quickly Developing a Roadmap for Teaching and Evaluating Job Skills August 2006 Product Description
This report describes a process for quickly developing information that is useful for skills training. The process is called job training analysis (JTA). Its main use is to structure skills training at the jobsite. JTA supports structured skills training by identifying the job duties, tasks, and steps and the reasons why those job components are important. The outcome of the JTA process is a worksheet - a training outline based on the knowledge and expertise of experienced workers. Time invested in developing a JTA will result in significantly more time saved when it is used appropriately by skilled trainers. Like a roadmap, JTA saves time and energy. Experimental work at several mine sites helped document, refine, and validate the JTA process. JTAs for two mining jobs - roof bolting and lift truck operation - at two different mine sites are used to illustrate some of the concepts and the specific JTA process described in this report. The work at these two sites was influenced by cooperative work between the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) at several other mine sites and prior collaborative work with the U.S. Navy. The mining JTA process is grounded within the military research on the design of instructional systems. MSHA and NIOSH worked to simplify and apply the military training development model for mining industry use through collaborative work at several mine sites. The JTA process involves three activities: (1) planning, (2) a 1- to 3-day workshop where the JTA is developed using facilitated work with subject-matter experts, and (3) followup. Guidelines and considerations for each of these activities are included. Results indicate that the JTA process has been well received and valued by mining industry participants. It blends aspects of health and safety, production, maintenance, and crew coordination.

Job Training Analysis: A Process for Quickly Developing a Roadmap for Teaching and Evaluating Job Skills August 2006 Specifications
This report describes a process for quickly developing information that is useful for skills training. The process is called job training analysis (JTA). Its main use is to structure skills training at the jobsite. JTA supports structured skills training by identifying the job duties, tasks, and steps and the reasons why those job components are important. The outcome of the JTA process is a worksheet - a training outline based on the knowledge and expertise of experienced workers. Time invested in developing a JTA will result in significantly more time saved when it is used appropriately by skilled trainers. Like a roadmap, JTA saves time and energy. Experimental work at several mine sites helped document, refine, and validate the JTA process. JTAs for two mining jobs - roof bolting and lift truck operation - at two different mine sites are used to illustrate some of the concepts and the specific JTA process described in this report. The work at these two sites was influenced by cooperative work between the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) at several other mine sites and prior collaborative work with the U.S. Navy. The mining JTA process is grounded within the military research on the design of instructional systems. MSHA and NIOSH worked to simplify and apply the military training development model for mining industry use through collaborative work at several mine sites. The JTA process involves three activities: (1) planning, (2) a 1- to 3-day workshop where the JTA is developed using facilitated work with subject-matter experts, and (3) followup. Guidelines and considerations for each of these activities are included. Results indicate that the JTA process has been well received and valued by mining industry participants. It blends aspects of health and safety, production, maintenance, and crew coordination.
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Job Training Analysis: A Process for Quickly Developing a Roadmap for Teaching and Evaluating Job Skills August 2006

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