
The role of public perceptions, core self-evaluations, and job search self-efficacy in obtaining employment among public assistance recipients.

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The role of public perceptions, core self-evaluations, and job search self-efficacy in obtaining employment among public assistance recipients.The role of public perceptions, core self-evaluations, and job search self-efficacy in obtaining employment among public assistance recipients.

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The role of public perceptions, core self-evaluations, and job search self-efficacy in obtaining employment among public assistance recipients. Product Description
Using a sample of 49 men and women who received welfare, this exploratory study utilized a two-group posttest only design that compared recipients who were not employed and, who were receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits with those who were employed and participating in the Transitional Opportunities Program (TOP). The theory that was utilized in this study was Symbolic Interaction Theory. TANF and TOP recipients both completed surveys in their county welfare employment office. There were no significant differences found between TANF and TOP groups on dependent measures of self-esteem, locus of control, self-efficacy, and job search self-efficacy. This study also explored the relationships among the role of psychological, individualistic, social/structural attitudes about the causes of poverty and self-esteem, locus of control, self-efficacy, and job search self-efficacy among TANF and TOP recipients. There was a significant correlation found between self-efficacy and psychological reasons about attitudes toward poverty. Specifically, the higher the recipients' self-efficacy scores the less likely recipients were to agree that psychological problems were prevalent among people who were poor.

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The role of public perceptions, core self-evaluations, and job search self-efficacy in obtaining employment among public assistance recipients.

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