7 jobs, their job to look good Legal
If you have a difficult boss or even the most demanding customers, it is important to remember how things couldo be much worse. Almost every legal work will be better than the seven jobs below. Whether you're a lawyer, legal assistant or legal secretary, it's about these roles to read and a cup of tea and realized it could be much worse.
Poultry processor - even for the most avid meat-eater, it is difficult to think about working in a poultry processing plant.The combination f raw meat, the mechanical nature of the surgery and the body fluids, it is easy to see why there is a role with a high turnover rate. In general, very monotonous and not very intellectually engaged, and the payment are not even as good. And it would probably put you off chicken
Sewing Machine Operator - Work in a factory as a sewing machine is a further operational work that is far from attractive to lawyers. The noise along with the repetitiveMovements set at risk of Repetitive Strain Injury. The responsibility is on the fast and precise work, and although a very different kind of pressure, the legal work, it can still be very stressful with a really great time pressure.
Farm workers - there is nothing more unreliable than the British weather. When you need to farm workers with the worst weather you can throw deal. Icy cold in winter, spring and autumn wet plus scorching summer days. Ignoring the climateThere is also the question of really hard physical work. The idea that might appeal to outside on a farm, but there is very little, as you might see on a TV show.
Roofers pay - while better than many of the jobs on this list, there are many disadvantages in the labor market. They all have the same weather issues as farm laborers, but with the added fun to be on a roof, while you do it. There is a real talent, the skills and lots of heavy lifting toScaffolding up and down. Some people love it, but it is an acquired taste.
Soldier - whether at war or not is the 'intensive training. Up at dawn, with pockets full of stones and run around the forest. Nothing like the assault course, you might go for a witch or a too chicken to do. After all the training under your belt, you have flown to commute shot some of the most dangerous corners of the world. Suddenly, in your tenuredoes not seem so bad.
Medical Subject Test - usually the desperate of the students receive, but make it a small group of dedicated / crazy people who live by volunteering for medical experiments. It might seem like money for old rope, but you only have the results of the studies, if things go wrong, look to see why it might not be the wisest decision ever made application.
Cold Call Center Worker - no one likes cold calls, so it is notThey greatly surprised a lot of people call them to stay. So, if you think you verbally abused in your law job, it might be worth a try to see a rapid change in a call center that could be as much worse.
Very often, not much choice about the work that they have, but if you ever really get angry at your current working conditions, it is worth thinking about how much could be worse.
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