
Jobs in the Healthcare industry in the United States

Hello, and welcome to what probably many articles about careers in the healthcare industry. This article will an overview of the basics of some ailing U.S. health care system. This is not a comprehensive overview of the entire industry, but there should be someone who is considering to give up jobs in the health care a leg.

In the United States charged a diverse selection of natural and legal persons for health care patients, both inpatient and outpatientServices performed by non-profit, commercial or governmental institutions. The health system will be financed through a mix of public and private funds, with the government picking up about 45% of the total annual cost.

Another example of a medical facility would be a special clinic as a surgical center, where patients are surgical procedures that do not require a hospital stay comfortable in their place. There are also hospice services, usually at home with the expected results to be providedlive on less than six months, these benefits are usually funded by charities or the government. There are also other specialty clinics where patients receive treatment, such as prenatal or family planning clinics, which are usually financed by the government and nurse practitioners staffed.

A small proportion of the population (approximately 9%) choose to purchase individual health insurance. The government covers about 80 million Americans, but in 2006 has approximately 47 million peoplehave no health insurance at all. 37% of the insured are living in houses that the annual income of over U.S. $ 50,000 to have.

Most health care coverage provided through the work of a person-by managed care organizations, which would pay very much lower prices for medical services as an individual, if they pay out of pocket. The thing that managed care differ from traditional insurance makes is that the health plan organization has contracts with certain health care providers, as the managedCare organization is able to take their number to bring to negotiate price reductions.

There are many people who are not covered by private insurance, but are acquired through government programs like Medicaid (which provides care for the poor), Medicare (the care for elderly and disabled people is provided), or the Veterans Administration ( the care provides veterans, their families and survivors). In 2006, Medicaid coverage for 38 million Americans while Medicare has been thethe same for approximately 40 million euros. The other 11 million people are eligible for coverage but are not enrolled in any kind of government program.

The number of doctors has to accept Medicaid in the last ten years because of high administrative costs and the low level of reimbursement. Another program, the State Children's Health Insurance Program established in 1997 to afford coverage for children in families who qualify for Medicaid yet too much for health insurance buy Earn --However, this program is already losing funding in May states.

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