Oil drilling jobs - 10 Tips and Warnings For Your First Oil Job
They have put a lot of trouble to get the first oil drilling job. When you set, here are 10 tips to get you started on the right foot.
1) is modest. Start from the bottom, just like everyone else on the rig, including the plant manager.
2) prepared. There are no stores on a drilling rig. Make sure you bring along enough, toiletries and cigarettes (even if you do not) smoke. To teach, you can bribe the equipment or the trade "an experienced colleagueThey are part of his work. Since mobile phones do not typically refer to offshore work, At a prepaid card. You need to find out who is the telephone service provider on board, your rig.
3) Turn off personal questions before you go ashore. Communication can be expensive if your rig, you do not have cell phone reception. Offshore services such as telephone Petrocom fee of up to $ 5.00 per minute, so that your pre-paid cards could be phased out pretty quickly. Unless you have a life-threateningEmergency, you will be put on the platform for week (depending on your contract, possibly up to 6 weeks). You should realize that the traffic on and off the rig will be strictly controlled, such as placing an employee in a helicopter costs thousands of dollars the bank.
4) Get a basic knowledge of maritime law and protocol. An offshore oil rigs fall under maritime law and is treated as a seagoing vessel. Protocol is similar to the on-board a commercial vessel - the tool pusher and rig manager andthe drilling company representative serve as co-captains of the rig. Violators will be turned over to the coast guard.
5) No drug use. If you have a drug problem and not give up, do not get an oil drilling job. Rigs regularly test employees for drugs, so that you will be found quickly and fired. Apart from the legislation comes into your host country and in force. If you are found with drugs in your personal effects, you can threaten the suspended sentence for drug developmentTrade in oil rigs off the coast of countries like Malaysia and Singapore.
6) buy enough life insurance. While security is a high priority on modern platforms, it never hurts to be prepared for the worst, especially when family members dependent on you.
7) Be willing to travel. They will usually far away from home in a remote location for several weeks. For there is a reason they give you all that extra content.
8) Make sure that youare single or a stable marriage. More than one employee has found a divorce because of the odd hours and long strokes. If you are married, make sure that you trust your wife to run your household.
9) Be willing to work hard, no matter how rough is the weather condition. Also, be prepared to work for demanding supervisors. To operate a drilling rig costs thousands per hour and has no place for slackers and loafers. More importantly, there are offshore platformsoften in isolation away from civilization and make a serious mistake, you might cost the lives of your colleagues.
10) Get a feel for what goes on the industry. Check out books like "A primer on oil well drilling bits" in your library. Make sure you have the right expectations of your colleagues and supervisors on board the drilling rig.
Follow these 10 tips for your first oil drilling job, and to lubricate things like. They ignore, and your career is inSwell.
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