Jobs in Dubai - Search for jobs in the United Arab Emirates
Many job hunters still believe that the streets of Dubai are paved with gold. That may be true to a certain degree - Dubai is a tax-free port, where net income is usually much higher than in other parts of the world. Nevertheless, the security of employment is not always easy. About 80% of the population in Dubai consists of foreigners and competition for desired employment positions can be fierce. It is best to submit a bid in the hands of one company have before the trip to Dubai. Of course, this cannot always possible, and there are certain advantages to travel to Dubai hoping to find a job, to users of one's home country forward. For example, many employers prefer setting someone actually in Dubai (and thus give) for an interview, rather than to the extra effort and risk of recruitment endure someone unquestioningly. However, there is no guarantee of a job before a visa is what a bit of luck and local contacts invaluable in theProcess.
When a job seeker has been given a position, a contract will be signed and the employer will act as a sponsor. The contract should include basic salary, job title and description, length of contract duration and termination conditions among other things. It is important to a good package, including salaries, negotiate home, and school fees if the employee has children. Other benefits may also be coverage for medical, transportation, utilities and / or annual leave by planeTicket for one's home country. (The law stipulates that companies must offer a holiday / flight tickets at least once every two years). Each company is different and different packages. The work week also varies from company to company with some class and some working groups are working on are divided) (with a few hours break in the middle of the day.
The sponsor should handle all formalities by the government for foreign workers, including the necessary personnel to obtain a visa for employment, healthCard and work card. A member of the PRO (Public Relations Officer) will usually take over the logistics to ensure, that happens all the paperwork to the necessary departments for approval. Getting an employee's application is approved by the Ministry of Labor, then the staff in the screening, and finally all the relevant documents are transferred to the Ministry of Interior who stamp the residence visa in the passport of the employee. Employment visas are valid for a maximum of three yearsalthough they are renewable. In general, those working abroad are not granted UAE citizenship or permanent residency. The Dubai government has taken steps to drive to the incorporated Emiratization of the workforce (stipulating that a fixed percentage of workers in certain industries must be UAE nationals and that all companies with 100 or more employees must hire UAE nationals their first and / or Human Relations Manager). However, it is still believed that expatriate employees will be a big part ofWorkers in the United Arab Emirates for the coming years.
For those who hope to find jobs in Dubai, there are several options to take. There are several recruitment agencies with good reputations available to job hunters in their search for employment, including support for many years companies like Claredon Parker and Kershaw Leonard. Since there are many agencies in operation, it is always advisable to do some research into their reputation and methods before their services.Unfortunately it is not unusual to pay for job-seekers from poorer countries, all their savings unscrupulous agents from their home countries, drain the false promise visas and jobs. Fortunately, agencies are in the UAE must be licensed and regulated, so that the potential for fraud in the UAE itself is greatly reduced.
For those who search online, there is also a wealth of opportunities and information available to choose. Some excellent resources includeEmployment sites like, or, directories as well as free online classifieds sites that list jobs in Dubai
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