Create Good Luck in finding a job
What is happiness has to do with the job search? Apparently a lot! Richard Wiseman, author of "The luck factor," says some people actually have all the luck, while others are a magnet for bad luck.
Happiness is not a magical ability or a gift of the gods, but a way of thinking and behavior. Given happy, neutral or unhappy? Take a look at this opportunityisnowhere.
What do you see?
Lucky people see "the opportunity is here now." unhappy peopleRead as an "opportunity not where."
Wiseman, whose best-selling book explores the lives and minds of lucky people, is a professor at the University of Hertfordshire, UK, who won recognition for his research in quirky areas of psychology. He identified four principles of happiness.
In reviewing them, I see a direct correlation between the use and success of job search it. Here are lucky principles Wiseman and my interpretation of howImpact on your job search:
# 1 to maximize the opportunities of possibilities. Wiseman says, "lucky people create, notice and opportunity to act on opportunities in their lives." Lucky people interact more with the outside world than people unhappy.
Lucky people are lucky, in part because the number of opportunities they take advantage. You start talking to more people and more curious and open to other than their less-than-lucky. In today's worldwork, opportunities to become more available, designed and possibility, the more likely you'll notice above that perfect job, rather than later.
One of my clients has a talent for starting conversations with strangers, the networking opportunities have led to lunch (on the other person, no less), as well as links to high level professionals who would otherwise be out of their immediate can be reached. She is happy - you bet! Every day she is out thereSo happiness.
# 2 Listen to your lucky hunches. Lucky people pay attention to your intuition. Unhappy people are often the same assumptions, but do not affect them. So when the bell in your brain makes you the opportunity or a red flag - to act on information. Good fortune favors the focus on job seekers.
# 3 Expect happiness. lucky have positive expectations for the future. This helps them realize their dreams and meet theirObjectives.
In search of work, provided the best pre-visualization of the results that you want to get As. Too often, job seekers to create more fear that the result of more focus on them instead of their ideal outcome.
Identify the specific results you're looking at every step of the job search. When you send off that resume, the hiring manager is calling for an interview. As you prepare for the first interview, asked to see backfor the second round interview with the manager. Be prepared and expect the best possible result. This is to do what the lucky man.
# 4 Turn misfortune into fortune. Lucky people turn misfortune into fortune looking for the learning experience, and then reformulate the result. How we see things through the structure, we bring the experience is concerned. This is true in life and a job search. A bad experience, quick check, ifTheir attitude. It 's a great expectation or something less?
Go back over your life. There are events that seemed disastrous at first, but in hindsight, has led to an unexpectedly good result?
More than one client came to me to destroy the land of job loss or promotion does not get angry, just trust me cover the months after that experience turned to be a blessing in. E 'ability to learn to turn and go with a feeling ofThe optimism that the amount of luck in your future career impact.
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