Create a job search Business Card
The smallest instrument in the market has full power
Research work on average six months! good strategies, such as a targeted position, networking or building relationships, a great curriculum and an effective short "pitch" to draw any timeline for a job. innovative ideas in this way, the Chronicle of speed. The reinvention of the business card as a means of job search, the strategies can make a powerful addition to the job hunter.
This map,calls if a network card, business card or a map of job search, is a tool for self-marketing, as well as resume and cover letter. He has a big advantage: its size. Unlike the CV, it is easy to carry, easily hidden and easily accessible in the wallet of the recipient, which can be removed prematurely.
The content map is essential. At least it must include the obvious: name, contact information and the position you seek. But in creating suchCard, you must also pay attention to the use of elements of color and design. Too much color and you scare people too much information, and will confuse the eye, too design (if you're in the arts) and you will see the sign.
Communicating your value
More importantly, you have your card includes a tag line or value proposition. With a little well-chosen bits of information that can influence your words in the interest of the recipient. Note that money talks: show how your business will benefitemployer of the past. You will not receive any income (such as Director of our sales below cost), maybe you have duties and salaries rose from a low position, the best customer service and the time has significantly reduced the handling of complaints; HRA direct process with the requirements of business with which a business objective, an improved recruitment strategies and reduced turnover, revitalized downtown core through the adaptation of identification and implementation of the trend ... The possibilities arewithout limits.
With advances in technology, anyone with a computer and a printer to produce their cards. No need to pay for printing, if the cost is a factor. For a small investment, job hunters can reap huge profits dividends.
The step-
As well as your contact information, add an address if you have a LinkedIn profile, and the list of your titles, or you go for position. Finish with a scoop or two to show their achievements. (If you're savvy, you can chooseDissemination of information on the front and back of the card.)
Here's an example:
Joseph P. Job Hunter
Contact Information
LinkedIn Address
Tech Sector Sales Manager, winning | 10 years experience
- No history of increasing market share, identify new distribution channels and leading national sales teams, I surpassing sales goals
What a great first impression. It stimulates the immediate interest and can provide the greatest competitive edge you need to nowstimulating work environment research.
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