Debunking the myths holiday job search
There seems to be a misconception that companies will slow down because of the holiday season this year. You hear grumblings from people who "could take the month of December off." Or signs of people seeking employment as a spit that "no one hired in December," when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth!
Many companies cite their recruiters that December is the busiest and most stressful month search for employers who take on new employeesWhich may commence after the new year.
Let's dispel a few myths summer job search:
Myth No. 1 - Companies are not used during the month of December.
Yes, it tends December, on all fronts with the chaotic packing up utilities to be provided for the year, the feast of madness in the war and trying to avoid extra pounds, but there are many reasons for rental companies in December: (a) companies have to spend the money left in their annual budgets. (2)hiring managers often want to settle with the vacancies to be committed before the end of the year. (3) Employees tend to leave their work around the holidays as the time of year brings the desire to be closer to family. And, employees tend to take more offers on the table for the holiday pay will give their opinion. These two factors lead to the end of the year points-4). Headhunters are motivated candidates (by the end of the year, to compileCommission.
Myth No. 2 - There are no offers good job in December.
Wrong. The chances of finding your ideal job in December are as good as in any other month. If an employer is a necessity, they do not care if it is in December than in January. Renting is the result of a need, not something from the time of year.
Myth # 3 - do not interfere in the month of December with the research center's work.
Most recruiters advise applicantsflexibility in scheduling interviews and meetings around the holidays. The interview process may be slower during this time of year from people with their vacation time. You may need to visit a company to meet three or four times, including key personnel in decision making. But, the process of investigation will not stop because of the holidays.
Another reason for seeking work at the end of the year - was not much competition because mostof those who give jobs on a job until January.
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