A dozen tips to stay motivated in research work
first enemies recognize a motivating your job search. They are: constant rejection, constant failure and lack of control. Do not let that make you inactive and little confidence.
According look forward, not backward: Every minute spent thinking about your job history is a minute stolen your future. And anyway, your former employer is paying you not to think, they're looking at you leisure.
Third Focuson your strengths, not your weakness. And 'human nature to spend time thinking beyond your weaknesses your strengths, but to get a job and successful career in a longer depends on your strengths than your weaknesses.
Quarter turn your goal into a vision. The goal of "Getting a sufficient work is not. Look in the mind's eye the job you want in detail.
5 + to prepare. Survey Practice to receive input on your resume, obtainappropriate search of work and vocational guidance and help. Remember, "good enough" is not good enough.
Sixth, network, network. Approximately 70% of jobs are Recruiters get through some form of personal contact (eg, personal and network). Less than 10% of jobs are available through the Internet, so why spend 95% of your time on the Internet?
Seventh Make your specific job search strategy. Set a specific schedule your listingResources, policies, problems, solutions, expected results and deadlines.
Eighth attack their excuses. We have all the excuses why not make calls, we must ensure, or writing letters we write. For example, not spoiled in thinking that you are looking for a job to do, call only if you are in the mood. "
Never give up ninth. Getting a job is a numbers game, the potential employer more before you, your bestonly chance to get a job, but not always the kind of job you want.
10 Keep your skills. As a professional is not a function of how others are treated on its own or whether to recognize your skills. As a professional happens when you act like a professional. And the most important time to act like a professional, if not treated as one.
11 Write the resume and cover letter to a skimmer is not aReaders. Everyone knows that then tries to restart but everything, everything was in one. Can not be done! You have to be in deciding what matters the most ruthless and put that first. It will help your motivation.
12 ° Focus on bottom-line value for the company. Of course, all speak of their experience and skills, but companies are becoming targets because they need someone to help them solve their problems and achieve them. It what to focus on.
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