Your job search - Avoiding the dreaded mandatory deduction of points
If you've ever watched Olympic sports like gymnastics or diving or figure skating, you have a presenter is talking about another point deduction. Errors as a step on the landing (gymnastics), spray-in (diving), or a jump in rotation (skating) lead to deductions from the final vote. Serious errors can lead to statutory deductions to high-value ... as a skater who misses a jump and falls.
Too many deductions and the opportunity, at last, with a medalslips.
looking for work, she is marked, not too much - the cranky judges from Russia or France, but only every encounter setting company. What is the most difficult of all, the scoring system is not exactly the same way by a senior recruitment to the next - you can expect differences of opinion regarding the degree of difficulty scores and required deductions, but you also are on the rocker or the still rings when all is said and donebecause it is definitely a scoring system.
Wants to avoid mandatory reductions point? Some tips:
or send an impeccable resume. This means that no typo. It's not a typo. No errors in grammar. No sloppy punctuation. Oh - and make sure that you want to write their names correctly. I'm not kidding ... I heard this just the other day. Would not be so bad if your last name written as my ... chances are good that no one would notice a missing letter. ButThis person had a name like Jones more. And they forgot the "s" (Who needs fiction when you have true stories like these?)
Or time for your interview. This means you should be ten minutes in the lobby before the scheduled appointment. Not 15 minutes late, not 40 minutes early.
Or to be friendly. For everyone. If you think the receptionist or the people you meet in the corridor are not important, you are wrong. You can point mandatory deduction from some surprisingSources.
or ask questions. If the hiring manager the interview ends with the words: "Do you have any questions?" - Have some. Many candidates lose their chances of getting the job right. Do not underestimate how important this is.
o Make eye contact, and have a good handshake.
Or Put away the phone for the duration. The only thing on your mind should be with this company and the job opportunities that are challenging.
O RemoveInterview seriously. There will be sufficient to ensure compulsory deduction point, six medals out of the loop? Take the right phone interview process.
You put a big effort in research. Avoid sloppy errors - and the corresponding point deduction mandatory - that can cause damage to the bottom line.
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