
Job Search Strategy - Getting a different perspective

What is it that others see that you're not familiar with? Most people are looking for a job or career change begin adding your rating. Another way to get some idea of your skills, talents and gifts is, friends and current or former work colleagues ask what they see as strengths. First steps in a different perspective can be helpful.

Years ago when I started my coaching I went to a meeting with other coaches. We have an exercise whereEveryone had a piece of paper attached to the back. We were told to walk and write a word in every paper, we described the most popular of this person.

My list was long and had words, many of which are not surprising for me, but stood as different was "practically" not a word that would come to have about me.

When you start or continue a job search, it is important for candidates to distinguish themselves from others.In my practice I ask my coaching clients, friends, 5-10, directors and / or colleagues to 5 of them (customers) to identify the strengths and / or abilities. They do this in an email. This exercise can really validation. My clients often feel really appreciated by the answers.

Of course, it is not necessary to know exactly what to say accept the other, but it is a good idea to ask others if you do not agree. I initially rejected the idea of "practice".

The more I think about it with otheralso my coach, plus I could see what was right. Friends and colleagues said they recognized and appreciated my approach is practical and often came to me for honest feedback on a request idea. (Not yet!)

If you are looking for opportunities, energy and healing for your work, friends asked him feedback on their strengths, abilities and talents. Can afford to see yourself from another perspective that could pay off big.

Take Action:

What firstThe attributes are missing from the list of your strengths, values and talents that others see in you?

According Make a list of 5-10 friends, colleagues and managers.
Send to explain an e-mail message to everyone on your list, what you're doing and ask them to list five words that describe. Give them a date by which you would like to return e-mail.

Third Read and think about the reactions. Any surprises? Do you agree with what people say? If you do not get feedback fromothers. You can accept all these strengths in their curriculum, speech or interview to lift your answers?


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