
Social Networking-Media and the Job Search

Suddenly, or perhaps not so suddenly, social networking is everywhere. Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter ... and more like diving, every day. It seems there will need to talk to each other in practice. No matter, we have cell phones, e-mail, instant messaging and text messaging, we seem to have on these sites.

I recently at Twitter and Facebook madness madness. When I became Facebook "friends" with my neighbors down the street, noticed (on my wall, of course) "Oh well ... now we can stay in touch." Now we can? The fact that we walk past each other every day, our dogs and take our kids to soccer practice now seems faded in comparison to be friends on Facebook.

I must admit that ... This is a head-scratcher for me, because this is such a folly, but folly, and now is taking over the realm of job search as well.

One hand I'm relieved. Maybe now we can certainly prune away this work ineffective Message Boards> Search and sculpt only those who actually work for real with real people at the end of the "send". And God knows that for years with our career professionals have shouted "Networking" at the top of our lungs for jobseekers can. The logic in building a network of professional contacts on LinkedIn to argue against?
Sure, everyone seems excited by the possibilities ... Dare I say "hope" ... that these sites seem to bring the> Job Seeker. Now that I'm on Twitter, I've certainly seen enough "tweets" to read.

So why I am a bit 'skeptical? Because I have this feeling uncomfortable?

First there are two important rules for the implementation of effective networking: clock and calendar. If you have Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and, and spend time (and certainly in need of time), build your friends, contacts, colleagues tweets, whatever, only to ask them to help you find a job, probably t Have aren 'go far to come.On Facebook, you want to talk about your high school and college friends, stupid stuff, what their children are doing and old post embarrassing pictures of you. can on Twitter, you need the right balance of social and aggressive people to know also follow you, you react. (You must find out how much fun as you can in 140 characters to say what you do at this time.) On LinkedIn, is certainly OK to be more open about things, but in general you really need for professionaland make you sound as busy as possible (even if you are looking for a job on).

Second I touched on this in # 1, but has more discussion here. These sites are extremely time-sucker ... an hour is like one minute and two hours is like a minute and a half. Do not misunderstand. It can be fun and certainly convenient, but be careful that all your time, it will be drawn from them. Resumes still need to go out the door. Phone calls must be made. If you Take care, may offer the illusion that you are looking for something for your work, when in fact very little progress is made.

How, I mean to them? No, it means only that you be cautious with them. A bit 'too social, and along with lots of goodies for your great friends, but you are looking for a very first, to demonstrate to the labor market. A little' too aggressive on the labor market> Search on this page, and you will be removed without friends.

Of course, all this was true for networking face-to-face as well. The difference here is that this type of network 24 / 7, everywhere, so that makes these problems even exaggerated in this field. As owner of a small company offering services in the same scene, I am well aware of causality are not always the right balance.

This is why I have so much in favor of finding a team work, whether in person(Both local groups, etc.) and online. In these environments, there is the same for each person, and at this point. Jobseekers can put together their discussion Noddles, swap leads and resumes, tips to share, and so on. And no one is irritated by the fact that you are looking for a job.

I'ma big believer that jobseekers should work try all kinds of possibilities, as a research and be aware and most of their valuable time and resources toTactics that are more effective. With these words said, it gives the Facebook and Twitter all at least think in mind that there are other ways, such as job search group that contacts and offer you more productive discussions.


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