
Job Search - A web presence is crucial - Part 1

Your job search requires a web presence.

Web searches are now part of over 50% of recruiters and hiring managers use. These people want you to know about you, and learn what to do. You want the company to hold and to meet the friends you have. Want to know what you do in your spare time and know your habits. Want to know what information to share with the world.

Allsounds pretty Orwellian 1984ish and, yes, Big Brother is watching. Companies are worried about how their current and future employees of the company accounts. They talk about their current employer and company? Social networking allows us to understand much about the behavior of workers and employers want to know what they are buying.

If you have no web presence, hiding what?

Dan Schawbel, author of Me 2.0, reports that recruiters and hiringManagers expect the Internet to find potential applicants. Social networking and Web presence has become a standard and know recruiters and hiring managers know that in fact increases the value of an employee, the more successful web presence. If you are not found on the Internet, then the question is, why not, what are you trying to hide.

Although it is difficult for one to no web presence, you must decide if there is an order of presenceYou or for someone else. To control who you are, as you are both represented and perceived.

How do you control your web presence

Create a Facebook page and connect with quality friends.
Create a profile and LinkedIn to connect with friends, professional quality.
Create a profile and connect to Google again.
Write a blog and be committed.
Join professional social networks.
Comment on other peoples blogs.
Post pictures on your sitesday and people in the photos.
Start conversations and participate in discussions on social networks and leave your blog address.
Write articles and publish them on sites like Ezine Articles.

There are many people who say that this reading is not what they do and that is what they are. The truth is that you need on this mentality right now! You can not afford to feel and act this way because it will have an opportunity cost.

If there really is something you arenot, then you need this person now. You must set the barriers and have committed to try to make the necessary changes.

The success in the labor market now requires to become an effective networker and self-promoter. You must understand the basic technologies and make them work for you. This is particularly true for the job search 50. 50 job seekers know has seen them set to be unselfish and newThings. Creating a Web presence with the help of new technologies, says exactly the opposite!

It 's time for you to create your own web presence. A commitment to advance the process and develop their own web identity, your personal brand. In no time, instead of looking for possibilities, opportunities, search for you.


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