
Job Search Blunders - Five mistakes Networking

As director of employment services company, I saw a lot of do's and don'ts when it comes to finding a job. In the network, while an effective strategy for landing a new career opportunity in a way that limits the opportunities, rather expanded to do that. Here are five common mistakes and networks are some strategies to correct them.

1. You go to a networking event and a wallpaper, because you do not know anyone. The point here isto meet new people. My best advice is to find and talk with other Wallflowers. They are probably just as nervous as you are and be much easier if you start a conversation. If necessary, a pre-event target on at least three new people to speak during the event. With a measurable goal can help you overcome your aversion trends.

2. You meet someone and you have no business card. Need a professional way to quickly get people to stopfrom you. Get a simple card and spend it. Ensure that clearly explains what you are doing. People have a lot of cards and want to remind them of it, why do it to you. If you find the work to be sure, always have your business card on you. You never know when or where you could have a conversation leads to the next position.

3. You think that the network is performed only during specific events and industry. In reality, the network includes everyone, everywhere. You must ensure that all I know you're looking for a job with family and friends. Do not forget to spread the word on your social media. If all your friends will pass the word to their friends.

4. They do not claim a clean, neat appearance. Now that you've learned that you are constantly on the net, try to always look presentable. This does not mean that you are getting a dress or a tie, but nothing trench (temporarily) that you do not want to, if necessary, as> Job come. This also applies to your vehicle and its accessories.

5. You are so desperate to find work that will be strong. It can be scary business, and the search for a new job, an interview can dominate your thoughts and your own. The problem is with despair that there are people uncomfortable and hinders their ability to connect with you. Try to be friendly and welcoming, not needy. People like people who can relate to them. Finding a commonRange of the conversation as quickly as possible. Once the connection is initiated, the chance to start.

This article may be reprinted if the copyright and author bio are included. © 2011 Catherine Lang-Cline, creative portfolio, LLC.

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