
Job Search: Time Management

There is an old adage that "Looking for a job is harder than working." How true! The rigors of job search are magnified by the turmoil we experience: lack of self-confidence, humiliation, financial pressure, and the undercurrent of emotions that color all we do: fear, anger, depression, anxiety, loss.

A practical step reduces stress and conserve our energies to finding a job, do not feed our bloated worries, it can actually handle up to today.Have you ever noticed that you have completed several activities, if you are employed to achieve? If time is limited, we can express in these additional conditions, because we need to do on a date and you know, the fear left them. If one is perpetual, for example, if you take a couple of days off work, there is no pressure to race: "I have four days, I'll do tomorrow." Suddenly back to work and realize that do not reach half of what they had planned.

This lack of structure is magnified whenUnemployed. There is no pressure to get up, moved out of the house at some point reach. We know we have to do things. has yet to update our own, creating new letters, research possible job opportunities. And 'to start as hard as we hate to do to get it, we do not feel creative or excited about everything in perspective, and we are afraid to go through the horrors of the interview . We hesitate to tell us that if we are willing, it will "flow". JustFor a few hours, a few days, we will only treat us relax. When the end of the month and we will compare the bank balance to fall to multiply our bills, we mentally beat us for not realizing what we had not thought so seriously. Now we generate our own pressure, magnified by guilt and remorse. Stress and increase blood pressure. We feel annoyed, angry, depressed. "I ask not to get in this situation. And 'unfair. I hate hate hateit. "

may prevent the adoption of a reasonable timetable to reach this point. Try these ideas:

1. Take a day to do nothing but plan what you will do and when.

2. Concentrate on not to commit strongly. You can work day to 8 hours or more and think that is what we now spend to find work. Remember to say your job search is much more difficult than simply walking into a familiar employer and monitoring of your daily routine.Recognize that and limit your job search a few hours a day.

3. If you strictly limit hunting activities related to 4 hours a day to start your work (you can always increase later), one is forced to stop before they are ready. This creates the urge to go to you the next day - you can not wait to get back what you are working.

4. If your "work" is finished, stop. You consciously focus on relaxing: take a walk,read a book, throw a ball, watch TV, it gets fun. You can relax, because it ended exactly know what he meant. The guilt and the feeling of "I did, I should" no longer exists and you are free for a short period in any case, whatever you want.

5. Identify your priorities by looking, what day of the week is best for each type of activity. If you search the ads, Sunday is the time premium for doing so. If you are networking or coldAction, focus on opening hours in the morning during the week. Agency visits, whether for temporary work or head hunting, can be relegated to the afternoons when employers are difficult to reach and already sold out.

6. Analyze your daily energy patterns and put them to work for you. Make sure that during periods of high energy is "out there," contacting people and presenting. Use your time with low energy consumption for a solitary, mundane tasks: the search for companies and jobs, organizing yourOffice work, planning the next day through.

The inevitable stress of unemployment and job search can never be entirely excluded, but the management of time and being nice to annoying you can turn a painful situation into a simple inconvenience.

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