
Unemployed - 7 mistakes that are killing your job search online

Millions of unemployed, in turn connected to the Internet every day for work online. While it seems pretty clear the world is on, there are some big mistakes that are unemployed, when it comes to watching their application online.

If you are one of these fundamental errors? If so, you could do to be unemployed, that something takes longer than necessary.

1. Posting a resume online that your private information.

If you This is a job search online, they are not just looking for work online. Make it easier to find for prospective employers. With the publication of a summary of sensitive information such as address, phone number, birth date or photo, you're going to open up to include identity theft. Unemployed is tough enough, no need for someone to steal your identity on it.

2. Only search sites large employers.

Many employers avoid giant> Websites for job search because they will not be flooded this candidate. It can also be costly for their websites, trying to send the openings of the great task. When it comes to your job search online, looking for a good section of sites large and small.

3. Not having a professional e-mail address.

You need an e-mail address dedicated exclusively to process online job search website of an e-mail your e-mail as "Princess28" is. NotA good first impression with a potential boss.

4. E-mail with large attachments.

You might think it's a great idea to attack the masters of their curriculum e-mail, letter, and letters of recommendation. However, large attachments usually only your e-mail directly to the spam folder before anyone has a chance to see things.

5. E-mails over the weekend.

On Monday morning, your e-mail are a large number of current in aoverloaded inbox. Ensure professional e-mails sent during the week so that work can read your future boss and respond immediately.

6. Ignore social media sites.

Web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and can help you network, you can help land a new job. Just make sure that your professional profile, even if it means a separate account for business contacts and friends.

7. Make your resume to hundreds of recruitmentLocations.

Radiation is found in all the work is large does not help the job search online, there might be. It 's very dangerous. First, it is not necessary to have the ability to customize your resume and cover letter to each opening. Second, if your resume appears on hundreds of different sites, can be viewed as spam and deleted.

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