
Smart Work: expand your personal network

Not that you know ... but who knows you, what really matters in the job search. The more people we know, the greater the risk of potential career opportunities.

To put it another way ... It's not that your core personal network is in, they know. These are the people who want to meet and maintain the links that interest you.

You must realize that not all occur because of your"People Search" is also "linked" to other, more valuable in the search for people. Some people, for various reasons, are not inserted deeply into social networks, and others. You must connect to this account.

You want to have for those who are connected to other flights for them over a wider group of contacts on social networking. This can help extend and expand your personal network online and to increase theexposure to new perspectives.

A mini-file on each of these people in your core network, with words you know well, including the names of their companies and any other information that might help you find along the road.

Identify and add value to New Influencers

LinkedIn Apply to pay your list of personal contacts, friends or family and visit. One by one, search for your name, and if you find it, take notes, like many otherthey have connections.

So, assuming that you can not kill your friends "to see, click and do the same. Note that you can choose to LinkedIn, you've seen all your contacts from each, or you can limit this review.

If you can show people the connection to contact your friends, you need to see the possibility of detailed information about them, including their employers. If the company that the work is of interest to you, you can add to the list of potential employers.

You canexpand your social network by clicking the same as above, and contacts after the contacts of your contacts. Now you're reaching third degree of separation! They are for people who are looking for a good number of connections. As a general rule you have for people on Facebook for at least 50 or more connections.

This is an indication, although not an absolute guarantee that they are more attuned to social media. This may mean that they understand the concept ofNetworking and active networkers can to some extent. Thus y can potentially be of more help.

Although not necessary, most people are well connected are more likely than others to relate to other social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and other applications. This is important because they have much more potential connections for you, and are more developed in the events in their world in terms of jobs and new opportunities.

In additionLinkedIn

As you work through this process of identifying potential influencers on LinkedIn, you can take a step or two others.

More people actively in the network can have profiles on other social networks, and this may be an additional source for new contacts for six .. There is certainly overlap. Every social network has attracted different types of people that both the interests of its members because of the species.

For example, you will probably find some of yourContact family and friends' on a social networking site, others that are on both sides, and other friends in positions of one or two of these sites, or perhaps completely different.

This approach to collect, identify, and expand your social network of contacts in this way to stay so busy that you think maybe not, another means.

However, if you want to do a more complete, especially when searching for other contacts, which in someThe companies targeted, then bring the generator tools can really help.

Online Lead Generation Tools

Lead generation tools / resources are known to those of us in sales, marketing and business development, unlike the rest of the audience.

When your life depends on your ability to find the right people in the accounts aim to bring more efficiency, and improve your chances of a reasonable decision andThe achievement of good to come in the form of a job or transfer.

The Internet has fueled the growth of these tools will create a level playing field for all who are willing to put in the effort. Like anything online, there are other sources that we have not yet discovered or used. But these tools can be of great help in finding new potential contacts, influencers, and rental agencies to add to the growing social network staff.

Two tools are Jigsaw and NetProspex.

In contrast to theFor all uses LinkedIn, there is a small cost for the database system referred to above $ 25/month for access to the end. But you can sign up for a month, do your research on any number of companies, and then terminate the subscription. You can always go directly to the latest three months if you need this service.

The beauty of these tools is their simplicity. For example, if you really want, if he is vice president of sales at company X, you simply insert company name and the corresponding professional designation, andTo see what happens.

The results could one or more persons, if any be. And you may or may not know who you're looking for. This works exactly like a Google search, only with far greater precision.

You could also "expand your search to include all possible preferences Manager in the short term. We can say, HR Manager, Staffing Manager or Sales Manager. This is a larger group, but it turns out you can rent or authorities in other parts of the influencersof the company by the type of research.

Lead Generation Tools are fluid

These three agents are very fluid and changing. As with LinkedIn and other social networks, new members every day.

Jigsaw and NetProspex contact "user generated". This means that people who use these tools to find a location, add, update and modify the information, including the addition of new contacts they have, and the change in status, title, telephone andemail contact information, how to get over it. As a result, the information here is changing and growing. You can not find a contact that you need today, but the next week or a month, you can find there are five.

be generated as a user, all the updated information. Just as you can, go to the business person, business or promotions.

So yes, if you "pay" for each name, which you can download puzzle costs $ 1 for name and gain access to your contactsThe information (phone numbers, e-mail) you want to bend the information you seek is not accessible.

Please note that contact information are not always accurate. The phone number is the largest company in its issue. The e-mail can not work more or valid. The contact may have left the company as a whole. But in those cases where a "dud", just update the database for Jigsaw and you'll get a loan. Pretty simple.

When you start from scratch with little or no contact withThe companies with the ability to find great people to help in your target companies that you find is maybe. This is the value of lead generation tools such as Jigsaw and NetProspex.

Against Jigsaw. NetProspex

Jigsaw has been for some time, while NetProspex more than a novice, but rapidly growing. One of the best elements of NetProspex is that their data is always current. Their approach is to make work as much as possible to ensure the accuracy of the reviewContacts in their database. Even with a lead of no more than two years of focus.

Unlike Jigsaw, where you have contacts that are in place and someone who has come from one day to several years, NetProspex find more power. Therefore, this site will result in a more accurate source of contact information. However, there is a newer site, so that the millions of contacts that you can access the database of Jigsaw. NetProspex catch up,though.

Remember that like any database, the information is never 100% identical. Of course, there will be overlaps. More information current overlay is a good thing. And the search for new people in a database that were not covered by another even better.

Other search tools

Goal, a few good resources that help build is that you can find their social networks.

There are many other places to see, too. Some of these resources in part toof course, as the search engines.

company websites, press releases, news archive

Do not discount visiting corporate websites. See if they have a "Press News Archive" to have. This can be a useful source of information I can and turn influence, or people in power, simply because this type of people usually in articles / press releases are included.

It takes time to read or scan through this kind of stuff, but again, this part ofTheir research. There is no easy way to search. Once you have done a little 'experiments with it, to appreciate its value.


Each sector of the market or have one or sometimes several key trade / magazine publications. If you are in, you can often get what is called "controlled circulation" free subscription. Simply fill in the "bingo card" and send or complete online.

Better yet, your main public library or university and see what they sign. Often it is only the "most important" for those in larger markets, but you never know. It will cost you a penny. Ask the librarian if they have a business post, because they are more in tune with this aspect of their newspapers ... What are these documents are called.

Besides being a solid source of information on a particular market, many times these magazines have a "People in the News", and recent promotions> Job changes. Look over there, and read this article as a potential source for the identification of possible influences and the assumption of authority to add your personal social network.

And with many publications now putting their online content to see some of the research you can do for free online access.

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