
Definition of Insanity: the job search process standards

Albert Einstein defined "insanity" as foreseen in the same thing over and over again, and different results. Sorry, sounds a lot like a traditional job search strategy, which focused on the job application is posted.

Pass jobs on the spot that sounds like the exact role is right for you, a few hours crafting the application so, send it, and .... most of the time, you get no feedback. Nothing. So over time it extends the search terms,demand for more jobs and more little if any feedback. With the decline in the confidence to continue the attacks of frustration, but the family hailed from well-meaning advice of friends and increase the range of their limits further research to enable even know jobs are not a good fit and the application of jobs that are clearly to junior your skills, experiences and desires. Bottom line - you get more and more frustrated as you are no comments. It seems that theclassic definition of insanity, right?

Why is not this kind of research work to obtain better results, then? As we have seen, business process standards (the adaptation of the requirements of jobs available talent) does not work very well for the company or looking for work - here's why:

The focus of the process is on the needs of your employer or not. However, it is often the case that they do not understand their real needs very well(Remember the last time you read your own job description - actually playing against your current role?). The above requirements are often "filled" with the organizational requirements (eg, bilingualism in the roles of the federal government) that are not always necessary, the actual role of the described.
That employers tend to identify the descriptions in their work is incomplete and often the "wrong stuff." Many focus on education, experience, technical expertise andmuch emphasis, but very little on the soft skills - personality traits that best suits the working environment. Why is it important? The polls tell us that 47% of all people through the traditional process is not set in the same roles in 12 - is 18 months and 9 out of 10 because of poor form. As the old saying goes, "fit the company hired for skills and fire." In other words, employers are using an internal business processes, that almost half of the time can notshould provide sustainable results.
In an attempt to "best match" their demands to do again what you think you look rather than your real effort, known strengths. Sure, it makes for a good reason, to be selected for an interview, because you know that you "exactly what they want" to know. Unfortunately, another 500 + people who apply the same job more or less the same logic, the application and do the same.The end result is that all the Letter of all applicants who are "results-oriented performer," the "good team player and effective" collaborative problem solver. "Of course, the bottom line is, this phrase has become meaningless, and employers quickly skeptical of all applications.
When through with 500 + to plow again face to find the "top 5" interview, the reality is not an exhaustive search to eliminate the "top 5" but quickly to 495 +"Acceptable 5" down to the candidate. Of course, you will probably see only 25 or 30 flights again until 5, which are considered acceptable, the total of 500 applications were received, we + can be difficult to scan the 5-10% of the stack. How do you know that your CV will be 5% to 10 and scanned? It is not possible. You probably have only one chance in 10 that the human eye also pass on the request after submitting.
Due to the rush of applications in Internet World have made it easier, the employer proves that the candidates do not receive answers, because if not selected for an interview. This is a very sensible policy in light of point # 4 above, and to simplify the process a little 'for the employer. But for those looking for work, which regularly receives no feedback from dozens and often hundreds of application forms, which serves to ratchet the level of frustration, and lowers the level of confidence. The end result is, unfortunately, that theJobseekers> end up questioning their own abilities and value to any employer. And if that happens, the humiliation of the search process steps from one of frustration. Now, the mood is the work of a researcher is in a downward spiral that is difficult to pull of incredible.

What is the end result of all this, in terms of looking for work?

By constantly re-package itself, this book needs to be covered, you can easilylose sight of what is truly important to you (provided you a clear picture of where you started);
They spend most of your job search pursued jobs that have little chance of a job interview - not because of their qualifications, but the concrete form of the proceedings;
Their confidence diminishes over time and will be strongly discouraged.

What does this mean for job seekers who want to do? Unfortunately, they "buckle" and thismore and more of the same and expect different results. What would dear old Albert?

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