Job Interview Secret - a positive conclusion in the Job Interview
Regardless of your personal style or whatever you decide to close the conversation, it is from your personality, the interview situation, and apply the task for which you are. Here are some important points to note:
Leave the interviewer with a positive impression.
Say at least five skills or positive qualities you remember your interviewer. Choose skills that may be required for employment (eg, strong communication, which work well in groups;excellent organization skills, consulting / training ability, the ability to work with difficult customers, technical skills, etc.)
Confirm your interest.
Confirm your interest in the position and say what added value you can bring to the job.
Is there anything that you can provide.
Examples include notes, transcripts, background information, certifications and work samples.
Ask about the next step in the employmentProcess.
It is important for you the next step for follow-up to know. Ask about the date of the decision, and how many applicants there is an interview.
Find out how to contact the interviewer.
If you do not hear back do not, ask if you can call the interviewer. Ask for a business card or contact by email / phone number if possible.
Closing the interview it is important that your degree is positive and leave the interviewer with you in mind. Recollection of thesePoints will help you determine which closure appropriate for you and the situation. A well-researched topic in psychology is the "last time, the effect" that is, if someone the last item in a list in mind more readily than those in the middle. That is more people are likely to recall the most recent items presented. Interviewers are not different, so that the end of the job interview on a positive note and leave a lasting impression.
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