Job Search Strategies - Seven types of job interviews
Probably the most important thing is to remember an interview that once received by Human Resources to ask the people, you probably have amateurs in interviews. They are professionals, what is their prime responsibility, but the hiring of new employees is only about 2% - 5% of what they do. That is, if you're ready, you have a pretty good chance to make a subtle way to control the interview through the questions and the way you structure your resume.
Hereare just some of the types of interviews, you can expect to meet, too. Each has a slightly different type of preparation and tactics.
1. Standard interview. This is the type of activity interview, which you probably expect. It is usually a "getting to know you" walk through the background, perhaps through your resume. If you are actually in a face-to-face interview, the chances are better than 90% that it has already know that you were able to do the job, so this interview as the primary targetCheck the right chemistry. Can the corporate culture? Are you the type of person who fit well into our team?
2. Behavioral Interview. This type of survey is the exception to the amateur rule - had the most people, the implementation of behavioral interviews have to do specific training to behavioral interviews. Often, these interviews are from 2 persons with 1 to ask the questions 1 and took notes about your answers and is able to give out a numerical score.For companies conduct interviews required, this is a hurdle you need to get more, but it is rare, the only interview. You are more likely to meet occasionally in standard behavioral interview questions.
3. Panel interview. This type of interview is merely because the plan will be carried out efficiently, but it often has the purpose to observe how a group of people (either the team you will interact with a part or the people you are inter-departmentalInteraction), or watch your presentation style. In all cases, you should make eye contact with anyone and as many of the jury as possible in your answer. And they all get an individual thank you note.
4. Sequential panel interview. This is when you sit in a conference room and send anywhere in 3 to 6 or 8 people you are interviewing one at a time. There are 2 keys to this type of interview. The first is perseverance - Get plenty of rest the night before anddo not plan to do something that night. And the second - if you have a success story with one person and the same story is from a different angle, in conversation with another person, say the second person that you have already discussed this situation from a different angle and, if necessary with the so - that if they do, is compare solid, they will not be confused.
5. Technical interview. Obviously, this type of interview is given an interview if you are after a technical standpoint. However, it can alsohappen to check out your professional acumen in every profession. This interview is not usually get the job, but it will definitely please be overcome if it is unable to prove not the level of knowledge, knows that the interviewer is required for the position.
6. Social interview. This is an especially common type of interview for those who a business development or sales sites position. When you interact with customers or prospects in the public wants to know your potential employerThey like the social environment into a business. Remember, this is still an interview and act accordingly. Do so as not something sloppy (this is not the time for spaghetti or steamed shrimp), and very aware of your table manners. If every player at the table ordering alcoholic drinks, take part, but only token sips.
7. Approval interview. This interview is to examine only whether the head of the boss does not take an immediate and strong dislike of you. Here more than elsewhere, the importantgoal is to create chemistry, chemistry, chemistry. This person can say "yeah" or "nay" about your coming on board but is probably not very interested in details. Best way to handle this interview is to follow the interviewer's lead.
Regardless of the type of interview you encounter, the bottom line is chemistry. If they like you they will overlook all sorts of deficits but if they don't you could walk on water and they wouldn't care.
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